Wednesday, July 27, 2005 ' <3
Chi 5:43 PM
Advisor Base with Mrs. O -
We'll start the morning off by throwing eveyone off with the "advisor" base thing. Everyone will spend the first 10 minutes of class training themselves not to say "advisory". (Some teachers don't like that, apparently.) You will spend half an hour of basic computer training. The computer nerds will feel as though their IQs have dropped, and the computer-illiterates will be more confused than before. The last 15 minutes of class will be spent with 30% of the students freaking out because the "binocular" icon has shown up in the finder bar. An additional five minutes will be spent wondering why the heck the admin is watching you.
Algebra 2 with Mrs. J -
Do the simplistic bellwork. This bellwork takes you five minutes to do, and you are confident that saving it as "Chi_bellwork27_per1" is correct, since that's what your AB teacher told you to do. When there are 30 seconds of bellwork time left, the teacher will inform you that she wants it to be called "JBellwork27". Everyone will scramble to move the finger pad mouse, and make mental notes to bring a mouse to plug in tomorrow. Everyone will forget this mental note by 3rd period. This process will be repeated throughout the school year, no matter what method you use to try to remember.
Health with Mrs. K -
One week before school starts, we will make your parents pay for clothes and a lock one semester early. We will mention nothing about how you won't need these things until you take Fitness class 18 weeks later. Because of this, you will come in on the first day of school with barely enough room for your laptop in your bag. Your clothes will be taking up too much room. You will also spend all morning trying to learn how to work the lock, and sress yourself out beyond belief. When you start class, the first unti will be "Discovering Your Talents", also known as "Guilt Trip Central 101" or "Find Out Who's More Talented Than You Class".
English with Mrs. F -
You will point out to the person sitting next to you that the admin is STILL watching you, despite the fact your computer has been asleep for half an hour. Your teacher will go over the student handbook with your teacher and notice that the dress code isn't strict at all. Your hopes will be brought down, however, when you realize that this is only because they've taken away your right to curse during lunchtime. You will spend the last 15 minutes attempting to log onto StudyWiz, and continuously get the "Whoops! This page has expired!" message. You will fantasize for approx. 3 minutes on how if you had gotten to take home your computers the FIRST day, this wouldn't have happened.
Spanish 2 with Mrs. O -
You will submit a good 50% of your assignments into your advisor base folder, due to your confusion at being in the same classroom again. You will miss 5 minutes of the lecture because you are trying to move the files back. Further listening proves that you wouldn't have understood her anyway, as she's been giving the last half of the lecture in spanish. You will have to point out that though you ARE spanish 2 students, you aren't fluent. You may also notice that your teacher speaks with a much different accent than your Spanish 1 teacher, thus making you sound like a moron when you try to speak it. You will laugh hysterically at the adorable demonstrations your teacher is giving you to demonstarte word meanings, and have the smile slide off your face when she informs you that YOU have to do it now.
Lunchtime -
You will pray to your god that you have a freshman or sophomore friend that gets out of class 5 minutes earlier than you. They will be your only hope at getting a decent table and shade for lunch. You will gripe for 5 minutes on how they need to speed up work on the cafeteria. Sophomores and juniors will spend an additional 5 minutes discussing how this is just like when Desert Sky opened, except they let you eat in the library. You will complain to your friend that your battery power has dropped down to 15% already, despite the fact you only had your computer on for about an hour today.
Survey of Art with Mr. C -
You will start the class off by noticing that the computer tech. hasn't dropped your History AP, Classical Guitar, or Freshman English class yet, and you ar eunable to submit assignments for art class now. You will get a pass and go up as a group to the tech room, only to find it locked. You have no desire to go in anyway, however, because the door is crawling with grasshoppers, beetles, and roaches that wander the school due to construction. You will come back, eager to start the lesson. You won't be able to listen to the lesson however, because the two autistic kids in the corner are screaming at random moments. You will ackdknowledge that they have a right to be there, but then wonder why no one cares about your right to hear what the freak your teacher is saying. You will end this class in frustration, wondering what these kids are doing in the tech school in a College-level class... when their parapros are going over the alphabet with them.
Chemistry with Dr. F -
You will be given a greek letter and told to find the matching card on a desk. The seating chart will be royally screwed up, because everyone will soon discover that when you turn over a letter of the greek alphabet, it looks just like another letter. You will spend most of the day dreading this class, but then finding that converting millimeters to meters is the easiest thing you've ever done. You wll walk out of the class feeling very smart until you remember that you did this exact same thing in 4th grade; you just forgot how to do it.
Advisor Base with Mrs. O -
Despite your teacher telling you the previous day that she's choc-full of games, she will walk in, obviously tired of dealing with little snots all day, and tell you to charge your laptop and do whatever the heck you want. As long as you don't look at porn, she's good. Before you plug your laptop in, you will point out that you're STILL being watched by admin. You wonder some more why the bloody admin is watching you, because you've done nothing beyond classwork for the last three days.
End of School -
You think of all those lucky jerks down at TUSD and Vail High that were out an hour before you, even though you love getting up at 7:00 every morning. Your bus will be the last bus on Cienega's route, and you will have to wait 45 minutes for the bus. You will have no homework, your Ipod battery will die, and you will not have your laptop. Tomorrow, you'll get to do the same thing all over again.
(Hey, just to let you know, I adore Empire High with all my being =) This is just singling out some of the more frustrating aspects ^_^;; )
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 ' <3
Chi 10:45 PM
Well this morning after two bloody hours of cheer practice, I came home to a freakishly warm house. At first I thought I was just warm from cheer practice, but half an hour later, it was unnaturally hot. I called my Dad to ask him what the heck was going on and he said the air conditioning broke that morning.
The - day - it - hits - 113 - bloody - degrees.
The whole day is a big, hot blur to me. I just remember sitting in front of my tiny lil room fan, watching Adult Swim's Home Movies from the somewhat less warm side of the living room, and talking to Squish who's worried that I'm going to die on the keyboard.
Then I hear this REALLY loud noise from inside my room. I dart in and it's my lil hamster, Mu. He's going NUTS, flipping out, jumping all over the place kind of like I was last night when the AC first went out. Now my room is already the hottest room in the house WITHOUT this lil heat wave, so I took his cage out to the living room and set him in front of the fan.
I gave him a lil ice cube, and he didn't like it too much. He later buried himself in the corner and chattered his teeth loudly. (Usually a sign he doesn't wanna be bugged.) So I left him alone for awhilw until I heard snifflin'. Lil Mu's nose was a pretty nasty shade of green, and he was chattering like nuts, so I went online to look it up.
Poor lil guy caught both my cold AND dehydration in the same day. The best I could do until mom and dad got home was change his water and give him a nice cold cucumber. He really liked it, and munched on it for a few minutes. We took him across the street to our out-of-town neighbor's house and left him in the coolest room in the house while we went out for dinner. I worried about my poor lil baby the whole time.
When we got back, he was PREFECTLY back to normal. He was perky again, both eyes wide open, running in his wheel. I'll be honest, the lil guy is old for a hamster. A year and a half. And he's so healthy anyway. I'm so proud of him.
So the RPG got good again. Just as I guessed, Alvin's torture methods got a bit more gruesome, and he ended up really hurting Juliet. This was all it took for Larry to totally lose it, and almost killed the guy. The next day it went back down again with Alvin threatening to send Juliet through a veg-o-matic, make cheese asapargus fondue, and watch "Telletubbies". (Poor Juliet.)
Currently it seems Squish has lost interest in playing villain for the time being, and we went back to another town. Funny, I KNOW I've seen this plot before, but Squishy dun think so. ^_^;; I trust her all the way though. XD
The last three days was fun; usually my characters are the comfort part of the hurt/comfort genre me and Squish do, and it was fun having Juliet be the center of attention for the last few days. XD
Monday, July 11, 2005 ' <3
Chi 8:04 PM
So a few days ago, Mom tells me I'm going back to school on Friday. Wait a sec... four bloody days?! (Eh, such language. Archie would be thrilled.) Something wasn't right. July wasn't going THAT fast...
I told her she was wrong and that I had another week. She insisted that I started in four days. Bleh. So I spent the last three days in back-to-school-nerves syndrome. "Will I be smart enough?" "What if everyone hates me?" "What if the new school SUCKS?".
On top of it, I woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon today. It might have been later if Dad hadn't woken me up. I was so mad at myself, because between Cheer practices and working on Jazz, Hula, and Ballet, it would be my last lounge-around day. I spent most of the day watching the first 15 minutes of a movie, losing my attention span, and then moving onto another. (Squish wasn't on unitl FIVE today X_X Gah...) I also spent some time getting bored and thinking that I was SO ready to go back to school. I'm real excited about getting supplies and theming my backpack with tons of Madagascar stuff. I also REALLY want that cute lil VeggieTales lunchbox... *cough* If you're reading, Mom. *cough*
So Mom comes home from work. Doesn't say a WORD. She walks straight to the calander and corsses a date off. Then she turns to me and goes "this isn't when you go back to school." as casual as you can get.
GAH!!!! I spent the entire day assuring myself that I was ready for school. That I was bored anyway.
I think I can survive another week though. -_- REALLY... (Too bad one can't "read" a sarcastic tone...)
So I'm on Neopets last night, and I decided it would be fun to go to the Help board and tell off a few spammers and report some scammers. Saw a few interesting things.
One kid decided to tell everyone about her friend who made a depression board on the NEOPETS HELP CHAT, that was quickly deleted. (Good on ya, TNT.) She said after this happened, she made another board telling off TNT that was also deleted. After reading this supposedly, she "slit her wrists".
I don't like to mess with weirdos, so I didn't say anything, though I'd REALLY like to say that "just because your lil friend has severe mental disorders, doesn't magically make it okay foor her to spam up the HC."
I also saw a kid start a "LET'S CHAT!!" board. ON THE HELP SECTION AGAIN! Honestly, no one reads the rules. They claimed they re-created the thread because the last one got deleted. (Duh-HUR.)
So I wrote back saying "Boards get deleted for a reason." The response: "They also get started for a reason. Imagine that, Frankie!" ... at this I could only laugh hysterically. Tut tut, someone's parents didn't teach them deductive reasoning. *wags finger*
EG finally went good in the RPG. Awful Alvin and Lampy have gone back to being our resident villains. Though EG is scared crapless of what Alvin's gonna do since he went evil, and wnet into hiding, changing his name to none other than "Kevin". (Sorry Squishy, it made me laugh when you told me that! XD)
Juliet and Andi, as I guessed, had another snaek-out session, and went to spy on Alvin. Thanks to Juliet's tripping habits, they're quickly noticed, and asked where Juliet's cousin is. Obviously, no one's going to tell, so Alvin says he's not afraid to use "horrible torture methods" to get it out of her.
Now Squishy can get really morbid sometimes, so I was expecting something scary... Instead, she took the classic VeggieTales route in FOREVER, and he had to "tickle it out of her". (Sorry Squish, that made me laugh too XD) Doesn't sound too morbid, but after a few hours, it starts to hurt, I'm sure. Juliet finally gives Alvin a fake location and she and Andi make a break for it. In the next RPG, I'm assuming Alvin's gonna be smart enough to realize the location is wrong, and come back for them later. And knowing Squishy, those torture methods are gonna get a lot more morbid. ^^;;
Juliet's lil cousin has also become illogically (no logic in our RPGs, WOO!) smart, already knowing the capital of Illinois at age one. (Shoot, I can't even remember the capital of Illinois right now...) And... our fillers got married... O-o You don't wanna know... trust me....
Sunday, July 10, 2005 ' <3
Chi 12:10 PM
Well we went to see Star Wars yesterday. Poor sissy feels left out, apparently, according to her comments... Maybe next time you'll think twice before falling in love, getting an apartment, and starting your own life. XP
But yes, me (the good kid XP) and Dad went to see Star Wars yesterday, and he really liked it. I love it when I take him to see movies like that; he becomes just like a little kid my age again and will talk to me forever about "how totally COOL that scene was!!!!". ^_^ We're gonna see War of the Worlds with the abandoner when we go up to visit her. In the Harkins Theatre; that - will - be -AWESOME. (And who can pass up seeing a film with Dakota Fanning in it? XD)
After the movie, we met up with Mom, and the three of us went to Sanchez for dinner. (Not my top choice, but hey, it was pretty good at least.) Dad, suddenly on a whim of a tortilla chip, decides to have a debate with me.
"Little Lottie? If anyone on the light side of the force knew how to bring people back from the dead... Anakin wouldn't have gone to the darkside."
I can't EVEN begin to post the whole debat on here. All I can tell you is that it lasted at least an hour and a half. In this short time, Mom coined the new family saying: "Yoda knows". No longer can I answer stupid questions with "your mom", it's officialy "Yoda knows". Mom's so proud she came up with it, she's gonna say it every bloody chance she gets. Very old soon, this joke will get. ~_^
A little later that night, Mom was talking to a friend in the living room, who brought a baby and his older sister. I have no idea who these kids are. No idea where they came from. No idea who the mother, who apparently knows ME is. But I love the kids. Because one plays DDR and Super Smash Bros., and hugged me on the way out, and the other didn't cry when I gave him his bottle.
After this, finally got back to the RPG with Squish. We decided to go back to the future with Juliet and Andi again; WEE! The RPG's been REALLY fluffy lately, and I ADORE fluff. But we haven't had a good "scare-the-crap-out-of-your-characters" plot in a long time.
So last night it got REALLY good. We have five main characters in the RPG-- Juliet who is Archie's daughter (who I play), Andi who's Larry's (Squishy plays), Archie (me again!) , Larry (Squishy), and then EG (Squishy again), who we decided ages ago is the "evil" part of Larry's sub-concious who kinda became his own person. (Logic has no place in our RPGs. Mwaha.) Last night in an effort to save her baby cousin, (long story,) Juliet gave herself up to EG, who was, in turn, going to try and make her evil.
Squish decided that this would be the time that EG goes good, so after a day, he notices that Juliet is spending every minute after getting there shivering like nuts no matter how warm it is and apparently missing her dad, so he finally lets her go. Juliet and Andi, (in which I see another sneak-out session coming on soon...) talk about what the HECK IS GOING ON before we realized it was one in the morning and how good sleep sounded...
Before I went to bed, I needeed a lil snack. I walked into the living room, opened the fridge, and saw a cucumber...
...Closed the fridge, shuddered a lil, walked back to my room.
Yes people, when ALL cucumbers start looking evil, something is wrong.
Friday, July 08, 2005 ' <3
Chi 10:19 PM

Wish I had a better picture of these lil guys. X_X This is the only one I have at the moment. I spent forever just looking at them when we were up at Sea World; I miss them like NUTS!! X_X And on top of that, I could REALLY use an Atlantis run right now. I SO need to work at Sea World. X_X
Today went pretty darn awesome. Me and mom went to the mall to look for my Orca Adoption Kit, which apparently they don't carry anymore. (grr...) So I'm gonna get one online with next month's allowance. I spent this month's on season two of Home Movies (LOVING it XD) and July's American Cheerleader Junior mag. Mom also bought me a cute lil charm bracelet, so I got a guitar with an american flag on it, an angel, a cross, and a megaphone to put on it, for Cheer, music, and religion; my favorite things!
Also for my sis's birthday (yes, the other sib gets a present on THEIR birthday as well) she got me the cutest lil Madagascar mini backpack for carrying around the mall and stuff. Goes great with my Madagascar penguin flip-flops. ~_^
More flashback-ness is ensuing in the RPG with me and Squish. It's probably only been like what? A week or two since we stopped playing around in the future with Juliet and Andi. Already I miss them like NUTS! X___X I hope Squish feels like chomping back to them someday. XD
Not much else to say. Me and Dad are going to see Star Wars Eppy III tomorrow. (This will be my third time, mwaha.)
Monday, July 04, 2005 ' <3
Chi 10:01 PM

Dunno how it got started, but I've gotten myself on the biggets Orca kick today. My mom was showing me an article on a death at Disneyland recently, so I showed her this page that reported on all the deaths there. After this, she wanted to know what sort of things happened to Sea World. The first one we saw scared the daylights outta me.
It was a case many people have heard of, I'm sure, of a killer whale named Ky attackng his trainer of ten years in Sea World San Antonio, Texas. There was a video clip of Ky repeatedly breaching out of the water and landing on top of his trainer. At one point, he and Ky got VERY close to the end of the pool where the other trainers were. Three of them grabbed his hand, but Ky actually pushed him away from them, to the OTHER SIDE OF THE POOl before attempting to submerge him again. After the camera pans over to the trainers just watching with not much they can do, the camera pans back to Ky. His trainer is very calmly rubbing Ky's back. Applause is heard and the clip ends.
He came out totally okay, and even continued to be a trainer afterwards. I dunno why the clip scared me so much, but it felt like I was in there with him. I dunno... the music coming from Shamu Stadium could be faintly heard on the tape, and it gave it sort of an eerie feel. You can't really explain, you just have to see it. It can be found easily on google.
The trainer claims it was Ky's hormones that set him off since it was near breeding season. That could be it, but I also wonder if he was playing. We were up at Sea World not too long ago, and Shamu submerged his toy rubber ball the same way Ky was submerging his trainer. ('Cept trainers don't quite pop back up the way the ball did. O_O)
I spent most of the day looking up stuff on Orcas, and DID find a page on attacks. Only two of the some 20 attacks resulted in death, which is very good news. I'm somewhat paranoid about my dream to work at Sea World, but since I'm thinking of working with sea lions and otters, not too much to worry about. (Never been attacked by an otter, but it seems as though it's like being attacked by a cat I suppose ^^;; )
The most amusing part of the Sea World trip though, had to be watching Shamu practice killing his diners.
Right outside of Shamu's tank in San Diego, there's a "Dine With Shamu" area in which tables are set up almost RIGHT NEXT to Shamu's tank. (I'm going to do that for my birthday next year, wee!) Shamu had a few rubber bricks, a toy ball, and barrel. Shamu apparently did not like this barrel very much, as he spit it back at the trainer who put it in the pool. He stuck it back in however, and Shamu seemed to ignore it for awhile.
While he was playing with his rubber ball though, he accidently pushed it onto one of the tables and knocked the salt and pepper over. Aww.
Then he comes up with the barrel. Shamu is NOT happy with this barrel. He pushes it to the end of the pool... dives under for a moment... and...
BAM!! He BURSTS out of the water, the barrel goes FLYING into the air, and lands LOUDLY on top of a table, knocking it over, along with two chairs, and leaving water everywhere. We could only die laughing imagining what it would be like is someone were sitting there. I'll try and post a picture of the dining area all messed up later. My mom got some good ones. Yes ladies and gentlemen, think twice before requesting that table right next to the tank. *shifty eyes*
I also watched Free Willy this morning. Forgot how great a movie that was. After I did that, of course, had to go look up Keiko's story. It was a pretty nice "sit-around-and-do-nothing" day.
On a totally unrelated story, more evil-ness is ensuing on Squishy's part in our RPG. But I have NO clue what her character's plan is. X_X GAH! *explodes*