Saturday, December 31, 2005 ' <3
Chi 1:02 AM

Well it's 2 AM. Technically New Year's Eve. HA, like staying up until midnight will be hard for me.


Gawd I love my life. Seriously, this is some kind of unnatural happy for a kid my age who SHOULD be in her rebellious angsty phase. If I try and reflect on how awesome this year was, we'll be here for weeks. Everything was so GREAT. GAH, as I'm sitting here trying to type something I wanna reflect on, a million and a half wonderful things fly into my mind and I can't get them all out.

Mommy and Daddy - I love ya guys. I had fun being your "only child" for the last year. I appreciate everything you do for me with an insane passionty. Thank you so much for doing stuff for me that you didn't have to in the first place.

Sissy - I miss you, and I swear I'm gonna bawl when you and Don move. You're the best in the whole friggen word, I just love ya to pieces. You spoil me rotten and ya do it all on an airline paycheck. You're my hero.

Donny - I love you. YES, I said it!! Muhahaha! I gotta say, I'm very lucky to have a bro-in-law like you. I'm glad you take such good care of Sissy, and I'm glad to know that you care about us too. I know we have trouble talking to each other because we're both so shy, but at least know that I do love ya, very much. You rox00rs some serious sox00rs.

Storm - I MISS YOU!!!! I can't wait to see you again at the wedding. Thank you for being such an excellent aunt!!!! You're, by far, one of the kindest people I've had the pleasure to know.

My darlingest Cherokee - You're growing up so fast. It scares me!! I remember rocking you when you were just a little baby. You're such a little sweeite and I MISS YOU!! I can't wait to give you a million hugs at the wedding. For my lil baby Cherokee, have a great 2006.

Morgan - I love you, dollface. You're the most gorgeous three year old who's ever walked this earth, don't let anyone tell ya otherwise!! You're dancing is beautiful, and you're definitely the best ballerina in your class. You're gonna be a Prima Ballerina someday, baby. I know it.

Everyone at Ballet Rincon: You're some of the best friends I've ever known. I love you all to pieces. I had SO much fun at the last three recitals and look forward to Spring Concert in 2006. Thank you all for never judging me, despite what Imight have thought because of my weight insecurites. Thanks to you, I'm no so insecure anymore. I love you guys.

Squishy - To my best friend in the whole friggen world. You make me laugh everyday. I've laughed with ya and cried with ya. You've stayed with me when I was sick and you never fail to amaze me with the intelligence you have FAR beyond your age. Can you beleive we've known each other for three years? It's been a BLAST, girly. I love ya.

Conrad - You never fail to make me fall out of my seat laughing. I want you to know that though I wasn't entirely approving of the whole army thing, I am proud of you. You've been through quite a bit. Okay, you've been through CRAZY INSANENESS. Remember Conrad, only a handful of people can make it trough what you're going through, and you're ALMOST DONE!! I can't tell you how proud I am of you. Thanks for always being there for me.

Zach - I'm sorry we had a couple bumpy times this year. I'm glad everything worked out okay, I really do love having you as a friend. I love how you make me laugh all the time, how supportive you are, and how you're always interested in what I have to say. Thank you for all you do for me!!

The FN Board: We've been through craziness together, huh? I'm so glad you're back Justin!!! And congrats on your baby sister. She's the most precious thing I've ever seen. Thank you all for being so great.

The Tim Burton Collective: I LOVE YOU GUYS!! You all rock!! We've just barely got started with knowing each other, so I look forward to a fun and happy 2006 with you!!

Anyone else I may have missed here: LET ME KNOW!!

Have a happy 2006 everyone!

' <3
Chi 12:29 AM

This is a little late. But ah don't caaare!! Muhaha.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Ew, Egg nog is the devil's liquid! O_O Okay, coffee is, but still, the answer's hot chocolate.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
He wraps them of course. And cleverlly labels it "To Chi From: Nemo, Sally, Victoria, < Insert Character from Current Obsession Here >

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
Both, DUH. At least on my tree. Mom likes just white on the living room one.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I hang fake mistletoe over my door. For no apparent reason. I'd rather not see my parents make out, and no one else is cute enough to do it standing right outside my room. So I just to do it for the heck of it.

5. When do you put your decorations up?
Always Always ALWAYS goes up right after (occasionaly before) Thanksgiving dinner.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Mashed potatoes.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
When we went to Disney for Christmas the first time. I swear, that is the ultimate christmas gift.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
What truth? EH?!?!?! Okay okay, I'm kidding. Actually, I like to pretend I still believe in Sandy Claws. I believe for the fun of it. But in all honestly, I asked my parents to be honest and if they ate the cookies and they said yes. (Thanks, guys XP) But dude, he totally exists. I swear I heard him last week.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Only new pajamas and one stocking stuffer.

10. What kind of cookies does Santa get set out for him?
Chocolate chip cookies, and I leave carrots for Rudolph.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
LOVE IT, DUH. I'm so done with Arizona. I'm sick of the heat and the lockdowns due to Illegals and living so close to the friggen border. We're the 50th worst state for education and one of the top five most dangerous cities. I'm ready to leave.

12. Can you ice skate?
Only a lil. I prefer having a walker to keep my balance with.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
'Twas just recently. My parents took me to my second Disneyland Christmas. Riding Haunted Mansion Holiday again, by far, is the best gift I've probably gotten.

14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
The all around happy feeling. (And making fun of christians who are mad that they hafta share their holiday with non-christians now, WOO!) But yea, I just love da happy schtoof.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
The styraphome Hershey Kisses tree of course

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Sleeping in my Sissy's room =)

17. What tops your tree?
Varies every year. Last year it was a tomatoe and cucumber, this year it's Sari the Vampire Teddy.

18. Which do you prefer Giving or Receiving?
Giving of course. You could give me absolutely nothing for all I care, I just love watching other people get excited. (Though I cannot STAND when friends don't say "thank you". I swear, next time they do that, I'm taking the gift back.)

19. What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
O Holy Night

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
Eh, depends on my mood. They don't suck, but they're not great

Sunday, December 18, 2005 ' <3
Chi 11:19 AM

I can't believe it's been a whole bloody year I've been with Ballet Rincon. One year ago today I was dancing around Cienega's stage as a Beginning Ballet Wood Nymph, escorting Clara to the Land of the Sweets.

Something about this year was more amazing than last year. Dunno if that I was in Jazz this year, that we did the ENTIRE Nutcracker, that we were on Santa Rita's humongous stage, or that I'm a flower this year, dancing around IN the Land of the Sweets for Clara.

They were the three best days of my life.

Tech rehearsal went okay at FIRST... I did the Jazz dance and felt fine, then went to sit in the audience to watch everyone else perform. Right before Wlatz of the Flowers, I got this INSANE tummy ache. They called up our dance and I thought I would be okay... A dancer's gotta do what a dancer's gotta do.

I did fifteen seconds of just the mark-through and told Sara to tell the teacher I had to go throw up and ran offstage. Very emberassing. Even more so when I came in the next day and EVERYONE knew, and they ALL asked if I was okay. Very sweet that they cared though. Dress rehearsal went 50x's better. The flowers and I have our own dressing room, so we hung out in there for the long hour wait until we're onstage. I love them so much. All of them. They're wonderful and I just... love them like nuts. We had a BLAST hanging out back there. Like little girls at a sleepover or something.

The next day was GREAT. Before we went to the performance, Sharon took me to see Corpse Bride (my tenth time) and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! We made it to the school just on time and I rushed back to wait backstage for my dance.

The Jazz dance was amazing. Our dance went great and even without my glasses I could spot a lot of people who promised to come. When we came out for the finale and did the kickline, the audience started clapping. I almost burst into tears right there, I was so happy. But I settled for giggling insanely and continuing to dance instead XD Then we went backstage and I got ready for ballet.


I found out when I got backstage and felt a few cramps that I started my friggen period. I had been feeling cramps a few days before and was just PRAYING "Wait just a few more days... PLEEEEASE just a few more days."

But that is Chi's luck. And I got it THE DAY of my bloody performance. So I had to put on an emergency pad and just hope it would work. (I refuse to learn how to use a tampon. I despise them with a passion.) It worked fine with my Jazz costume but, as I expected, it started to leak on my Flower costume. Not very much, but still enough. And we get to keep our SPRING costumes. The winter ones we hafta return. (We snuck the costume out at the end of the night. We're gonna dry clean it and return it to her later.)


As if that wasn't a costume disaster enough, the netting inside my dress ripped and was hanging from the bottom of my skirt. But I went to Miss Kellen and she just ripped the rest off for me and it looked fine. I went back to the dressing room and Audrey was playing on one of the computers at this website, playing this game for The Grudge. I thought it would be scary but we actually had a blast. We kept Cheri outside to keep watch and we turned off the dressing room lights and went through the game. We decided we would not go onstage happy until the Grudge killed us and we died.

Which we did eventually, 5 minutes before they called us up XD It was SO - MUCH - FUN.

The dance went AMAZING and Miss Kellen and Miss Vikkie were SO FRIGGEN PROUD. We got on for the bow and smileed until the curtain closed. I was SO firggen sad it was over, but me and Sara JUMPED up and hugged each other, and then the flowers got into this big group hug.

I can't wait until Spring Semester. I just love the people at my studio so much. It feels SO GOOD to be a part of it.

Next Semester I'm gonna be in ballet again of COURSE, and in Intermediate Teen Tap (WOO!) I can't WAIT for Spring Concert.

But Ballet season is over for now (*sniff*) And doesn't start again until March. But Cheerleading season started again! And we're going to Disneyland on Wednesday, muhahaha.

WOO! Life rocks.

Sunday, December 04, 2005 ' <3
Chi 12:00 PM

Okay, I dunno where mom came up with this, but it's way too amusing.

Here's what ya do: Type in your name and the word "needs" into Google and see what comes up. Here's what I got.

Chi Needs No Translation (Not according to the many people I've met who can't pronounce it.)

Chi Needs a Collaborative Interpreter (Alrighty then?)

Chi Needs a Home (You mean of her own? I'm working on it!!)

Chi Needs your Vote (I suppose?)

Chi Needs to Avoid Conferences (Only 'cause mom and dad are sick of hearing the teachers say I didn't do anything wrong all year.)

Chi Needs to open up or risk declining (Now that would make sense in ballet terms)

Chi Needs to think very hard about how her reports are presented (Lest she get an F in health class)

Chi Needs to be eaten (?!!)

Chi Needs to consult a Doctor First (Good to know)

Chi Needs a new webmaster (Well I never!)

Chi Needs to Wear a Coat on cooler days (Nyeah to you, non-Arizonan)

Chi Needs Attention (Don't we all?)

Chi Needs a new set of lungs to survive (Uh oh)

Chi Needs to meet the new coach (You're a month late, hon)

Chi Needs Surgery (I'm not having much luck in the medical field here)

Chi Needs a new car seat (Chi needs a CAR!!)

Chi Needs to get off Kristin's back (Chi needs to know who this Kristin is frist)

Chi Needs a new laptop (My school one break?)

Chi Needs to look as if she was mistreated (CPS?)

Chi Needs to post about something unpredictable (Sorry, no dice.)

Chi Needs softball pictures from Amber (Cheerleader Chi will go nowhere near softball in the first place)

Chi Needs to pack up the rosebuds and knock off some other countries desgins (Mmhmm...)

Chi Needs to be fed with a feeding tube (That sucks...)

Chi Needs help (So very true)

Yea, about ten pages are about how I need surgery or support for cancer or something O_o Fascinating.

Saturday, December 03, 2005 ' <3
Chi 9:19 PM

Best... Saturday... EVER.

We had Waltz of the Flowers rehearsal today. They were running the entire show and just wanted us to go up once and perform to out best.

Well I got up there and dance like I normally do: having fun. I smiled, projected out, kept my face lifted and what-not. So at the end of the dance, Miss Jennifer (the one who owns the studio) had everyone sit down.

"Okay, Cheri? You need to project more. Keep your head lifted. That goes for all of you. You can't be looking at the floor. Now girls... when you mess up... if your left foot is in front instead of the right... most people won't notice. But you have to SMILE. The only person I noticed doing what she was supposed to-- that was dancing so beuatifully it made me wanna cry, was Miss Chi here."

I totally snapped my head up like 'Huh? That's ME!' XD She says "She was projected the whole time and she had this big smile the whole way through, and it was just so beautiful. She was doing so wonderfully, I wanted to, here in my jeans and sneakers, to get up there and dance with her. SHE's the one everyone will be watching at Winter Concert. Excellent job, Chi." I swear, I was shaking the whole time through. So I kinda answered a tiny lil "thank you" in a shaky voice. I - WAS - OVERJOYED.

Dew Drop was royally pissed. You could see it. I'm fine with this. It was kind of like a karma thing...

See, we had a whole dance learned, And then they decided to cut SIX MINUTES of the eight minutes out, so the Dew Drops could have solos. I was so angry. But I figured, I would think it was cool to get a solo, so I decided to be happy for them. It certainly paid off.

I mean, Miss Jennifer OWNS the studio. As I've mentioned before, she's danced in the most famous compaines with the most famous dancers. She's everything I want to grow up to me. I nearly cried.

Mom, on the other hand, openly cried. XD Out loud. I don't think she's ever been that proud of me in my life.

It made my day. SERIOUSLY made my day. It was so great to know, unprovoked, that my hard work really is paying off.


Friday, December 02, 2005 ' <3
Chi 8:29 PM

I feel like a total pile of dirty magazines.

Seriously, I don't whine. Things don't upset me easily.

This one hurt though. Real bad.

Conrad left for the army a few weeks ago, as I mentioned here once or twice. I obviously don't give out my address on line, so he was giving me messages via Squishy. He promised he'd write when he could.

Well he's written three letters so far. He said, in only one sentence, that he missed me in ONE of those letters. The last letter was three pages long. Those three pages were spent telling Squishy how good a friend she was, how much he likes her and all her qualities. Three pages he spent telling her how wonderful she was.

He said "I miss Chi". In one letter. Well I certainly just got put in MY place.

I wanna cry, but I kinda can't. Something in my mind is telling me this is a stupid thing to be upset about. And it really is. If he wants to pick favorites, whatever. I don't give two flying pumpkin kings. But c'mon, anyone gets hurt over feeling dejected. So I kinda feel like crap right now.

A glass of milk and a tasty cake'll fix things though. My proactive habits will turn back onto autopilot in maybe half an hour and I'll be okay again. A women's tylenol wouldn't hurt either.

*phew* Just had to let that out.

Now Or Never

Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron
271008 is our day;
HSM is where we met.
Single and unavailable.
The Designer
This Dance <3
It could only be with Mozilla Firefox.
Hater : Hello! Click Me!

Can I <3

Can I Have This Dance- High School Musical 3(HQ+FULL+LYRICS).MP3 - Vanessa and Zac Efron

Shut Up!!
Chatango is recommended.

High School Musical 3 DVD
Trip to Korea
Yamaha keyboard piano
My very own apple laptop
D40x Digital Camera

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