Sunday, August 27, 2006 ' <3
Chi 8:55 PM
Hey, < Company Name Withheld >, guess what?
My dad got a job a mere seven days after you laid him off and it pays $7,000 more than your measly little company ever did.
Oh, and thanks for the 13 weeks severence that you wouldn't have to pay if you had just waitied. We're enjoying it.
It will be amusing to watch you guys slowly go bankrupt from the comfort of dad's stable job. You have been officialy and undeniably PWNED.
-Chi <3
P.S. Forget about the twenty dollar parking pass you should totally refund us. I mean, a company's gotta keep SOME of their dignity, right?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 ' <3
Chi 7:01 PM
... I get totally surprised.
My dad came home early today.
KNOW WHY??!?! :D
The jerkwads at his company, which I cannot disclose the name of for fear of getting sued, laid him friggen off.
Yes, peeps. My dad has devoted fourteen years of hard work to this company. And they fruggen laid him off. This is not just his daughter saying he was the best damn worker there, he WAS the best damn worker there. Now, however, I have one thing to say to them:
< Company name withheld >, you've been PWNED.
I believe it was Clark Griswald who once said the Hindus speak of karma. My dad came home and half an hour later, got a call from another company. They offered him a nice supervising and he has an interview on Thursday. They sounds like they REALLY want him. Now he's getting paid for that AND he gets thirteen weeks severance. What's funny is dad was ready to leave them for this interview anyway. Now he gets PAID for it. BOO-YA.
Double salary for 13 weeks? Dad's so excited XD He's getting a big screen TV and a surround sound system for it.
In your snotty little faces, < company name withheld >!!! :D
I can't wait until they find out. Isn't it great to see justice in action?
Revenge is sweet, but higher justice is sweeter.
-Chi <3
Saturday, August 12, 2006 ' <3
Chi 7:13 PM
Yes folks, three years ago I joined Ballet Rin*on (Trying not to get sued) and vowed to never leave as long as I could help it. I almost considering going to the U of A JUST so I could stay there. Now, here in my senior year of high school, I've done some serious thinking.
Stephy came to me last week and said I should try out for our school's cheer squad. I turned her down, saying I didn't have time with ballet.
Then I actually stopped to think about it. Last year I had given up cheerleading after I made the squad and endured hours of NCA's worst cheer camp ever. Just so I could be with Ballet Rin*on. I started to think about my last rant. Torn between my two loves, I decided I would give myself some time to think. The more I thought, the more it seemed right to try out.
Cheerleading DID get dumped last year in favor of ballet, I do love cheerleading a LOT, I was getting sick of Ballet Rin*on's attitude, and not to mention it would take a tremendous financial burden off my parents' shoulders. I became more and more sure of myself. I decided, after talking with mom and finding out just how expensive ballet was, that I wasn't going to go back even if I didn't make the squad.
So the week of tryouts was way stressful. If I didn't make cheer, I had nothing left, so I needed this. I prayed to God every morning to just be with me while I did all this and hoped everything would turn out fine. I told Erika to tell Ms. J why I wouldn't be in ballet that day when she would unavoidably ask.
The week of tryouts I worked my ass off, tried my hardest at tryouts, and made Varsity.
Erika came to school the next day and told me Ms. J was pissed because I "put cheerleading before ballet".
Ms. J, I wasn't aware I signed my life over to you when I joined Ballet Rin*on.
Ballet is no longer fun at Ballet Rin*on. Other places, yes. You started getting new members and advertising recitals and you thought that just made you the best damn dancer who ever existed.
It doesn't pain me so much to say here in a blog you'll never see that you AREN'T. My friend, there are studios out there far better than yours. Your tiny little studio built in a former model home does not compare to the dance studios a mere few miles away from yours. Not everyone in your studio is company bound. There are dancers in your studio that deserve way better treatment. I've seen them dropping like flies and I've finally become one of them.
Is it any wonder I chose cheerleading over your classes? Everday after I school I dread going to ballet. I love ballet, but your classes are way too tense. I must say, your studio is the only one that could take something I adore to the very core of my heart and turn it stressful. Last week I was told I couldn't wear dance pants. DANCE PANTS!!!! IN DANCE CLASS!!!!! I couldn't believe that before you accepted me into pointe class you told my parents I should start watching my weight. I used to think I was fat. Now I feel I am incredibly normal sized. I'm a senior and I still wear clothes from the Juniors section. In other words, "lose weight" meant to become a mindless anorexic zombie like your soloists. Watch what I eat? Sure. Lose weight? Nah. I'm the perfect size for cheer, after all.
In cheerleading, everyone is a team. There is no such thing as a solo in cheer. It's no wonder our studio has never done competitions. If they saw the soloist crap you've been pushing, they would disqualify us in a heartbeat. I've finally become the member of a small, eleven-member, varsity cheerleading squad. Anything and everything that goes on within it will require the work of ALL members. No longer will I have the spotlight for only fifteen seconds. I will resume dancing when I get into college and I can assure you it won't be in your studio. See, in college, I will be joining a STUDIO. Not a studio that thinks it's a COMPANY. Thusly, I and everyone else in the class will get the time they deserve. Until them, I'm proud to be a Raven cheerleader and feel no remorse over leaving.
Especially after you've proven yourself to be big jerk by having the GALL to act like me and my classmates are the scum of the recitals and then tell me that I'm doing wrong by daring to aspire for another activity. I believe about a year ago I claimed you and Miss Annie were the people I most wanted to be like. That title soley goes to Miss Annie now, who is also pissed at the attitude this studio has developed, along with many others. Congrats to you and your since-kindergarten friends for hogging the stage. I'm off to an activity that shares the credit with all its members, and I can't wait to hear your reaction when Erika tells you I've left for good.
Thus ends my final ballet rant, and I've never been happier ^_____^
-Chi <3