Sunday, June 24, 2007 ' <3
Chi 12:39 PM
1 - Okay, we've been to Disneyland 4 times this year now; can we try something a little different like Universal Studios?
2 - I NEED to find a boyfriend, I'm 18 for crying out loud!!
3 - Apple sucks. I'm switching to Windows.
4 - Pixar has just made their first flop EVER. (Do things I HOPE I'll never say count?)
5 - Ride the Haunted Mansion for the FIFTH TIME? Seriously, can we ride something different now?
6 - I friggen hate going to the movies, let's stay here tonight.
7 - Sorry, can't help ya, I don't even know what the heck HTML means...
8 - PLEASE Robyn, PLEASE let me work register tonight!! I LOVE asking people to sign up for Total Access!
9 - Music is okay I guess... nothin special though.
10 - McDonalds AGAIN? Two nights inna row was enough.
11 - The more I think of it, the more the christians and Republicans have convicned me.... Gay Marriage IS bad, and it IS my place to tell people how to live!
12 - I've decided to start watching more "grown-up" movies instead of wasting all my money seeing animated and Disney movies.
13 - I can't go see Meet the Robinsons/Rataouille/Pirates with you!! I've already seen them all five times, and that's plenty.
14 - These Mudd/Roxy/Panama Jack sunglasses are adorable, but I'd rather have these Aigner/Coach ones.
15 - I have been Disneyland-free for almost three years, and I haven't been thrown int he loony bin ONCE!!!!
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 12:06 AM
Mom did this, so I decided I should put in mine too.
1 - Captain Barbosa is made of awesome sauce and he should marry me.
2 - You can be kidnapped for days and show up out of nowehere, and anyone who is British will be completely calm and not at all excited about your return.
3 - If you make it clear that you will only marry someone because you want them to save Johnny Depp, they will happily take the offer and not feel used or cheated at all.
4 - Barbosa can produce magic apples from his hand right before his death.
5 - No one knows how a real ransom works; sure Mistah Turner can shoot himself in the face and ruin the chances of the curse being lifted, but then who's gonna save Elizabeth? Didn't think of THAT, didja Barbosa?
6 - Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, makes a good Disney plot.
7 - Don't think, just throw the sword. The magic of Disney will make sure it hits at just the right spot to stop your friends from hanging to death, and not pierce their hearts.
8 - The magic of Disney will also assure that your pirate friends will always come back for you, regardless of all laws/codes/guidelines.
9 - The British are niether surprised, nor devestated when yet another rich, well-to-do lady becomes a pirate.
10 - "Ye best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner, you're in one" isn't technically a stolen line since Disney stole it from itself. Yet this also proves that Sailor Stars, a movie series about a teenaged orphaned superhero who lives in a haunted house, is interchangable with Pirates of the Caribbean.
-Chi <3
Monday, June 18, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:37 PM
I've never been more pissed.
SDSU rejected my scholarship decision.
Even though I was prepared to not go to SDSU, that was the last bit of hope I was ahnging onto.
Being a white kid who doesn't live in a garbage can has once again prevented me from getting a scholarship. Who gives a crap that I graduated with high honors, that I'm in National Honors Society, that my parents are the first to go to college, or that they're paying a fortune in their own student loans and my dad's new dentures. WHO CARES, RIGHT?!??!?! Why would we care about stupid things like GRADES AND ACADEMICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES?!? All that matters is that SDSU gets as MUCH money from me as POSSIBLE!!!
And to add insult to injury, they READJUSTED MY FAFSA because they want to INCREASE MY REGISTRATION FEES. I cannot believe that's legal. CANNOT BELIEVE IT.
What really hurts is, as much as this pisses me off, SDSU is my only option in two years. There ARE no more schools NEAR San Diego with ANY majors even RELATED to animals. (In Sea World's city? WHAT THE HECK?!)
They better BELIEVE they're giving mama her $800 back. THE FULL $800. If they don't, I swear to god, I will tell EVERYONE I KNOW about the lies they told me. That's not slander because it's TRUE. I will tell EVERYONE. RUIN THEM if they keep playing this game with me.
It's the injustice of the world. I'm struggling to get myself an education in my choice career, but HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?! I'm a good student, and I've already detailed my resume on this blog before. SDSU doesn't care though. They want their $100,000. We need more colleges that are EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES and NOT BUSINESSES.
This is my final SCREW YOU to you, SDSU. Until my junior year when I go to your school and you'll probably piss me off again.
-Chi <3
Sunday, June 17, 2007 ' <3
Chi 12:01 AM

Ratatouille RULED. Pixar has done it again. And Remy is love. On a stick. He rocks.
What made the night perfect though was I went to the arcade afterwards and won these lil guys in the picture at the crane game on only three bucks. Genuine friggen Ratatouille plushies. They're not small or cheap either like most crane game toys. They're HUGE and made out of really nice material. In fact, I probably would have paid 20 bucks for the same plushies at the Disney store. Three dollars, baybeh. Dad was like, all making fun of me. Mom always gives me a dollar to play the crane games to "prove I can't do it" and I win everytime. And I got Remy and Emile dude, that just made my night.
Someday I'll be old enough to gamble, mom's gonna give me a dollar to prove I can't win, and I'm gonna win a car ;)
-Chi <3
Thursday, June 14, 2007 ' <3
Chi 11:47 PM

Oh, that's right, I'm gonna see Ratatouille before ALL Y'ALL!! They're doing a sneak preview this weekend, one showing only at Park Place and I Fandangoed it this morning and GOT THE TICKETS, BAYBEH!!! Plus I'll be goin onna date with Daddy :) Which is fun cause during the summer he's at work and we don't see each other a lot. I'm paying cause I started my job today. Blockbuster rules. I like first and foremost that it's REALLY tiny. There are like, literally 10 of us working there, and only 4 of us are ever on duty at the same time. I made 35 bucks sitting in front of the computer learning about the value of a customer today. (I like how in the safety section, they say "Occasionaly, the store will be robbed"; Uh... thanks for the warning!) Seven bucks an hour?! Holy wow, that is GOOD money for someone who's never had a job before :) I work the floor tomorrow and I'm scared, but we'll see how it goes.
Uh... yea, that's it :D
Peace, Love, and Mickey Mouse,
-Chi <3
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 ' <3
Chi 4:55 PM
Yes you do, SDSU.
I decided to check my scholarship status today for the hell of it. FIVE MONTHS after I submitted it, they're still "reviewing" it. (I don't buy that for a SECOND.)
While looking I found out that they received all my housing transcripts and got me a spot in the dream-dorm I should be living in this year.
I dunno how you sleep at night lady, but this is the first time I've been upset about not going to SDSU in almost two months. Though I hope it fills you with the guilt of the world to know that everyone said "good luck at SDSU" at graduation, and my heart broke every time their faces dropped and asked "why?" when I said I wasn't going.
I know everyone's excited about me being a wildcat, and really, I should be too. I've looked up to the U of A since we moved here almost 14 years ago, and being a part of the Pride of Arizona will be awesome. But it's pure torture to put it in a girl's mind that they WILL be living in San Diego this year, close to her pride and joy of animals, and then go "LOL, J/K GUYS!! :D".
And so, I leave that chic who lied to me with this message:

-Chi <3
Friday, June 08, 2007 ' <3
Chi 11:52 PM
Oh man, it's been a friggen AWESOME WEEEEEEEK.
Don't kill me if I can't fit just five things on here. Bein happy is cool.
1 - Me, Andi, and Celina are going to see Meet the Robinsons tomorrow. I haven't seen them in forever and, HELLO? Meet the Robinsons?! We gonna party.
2 - Chicken Run was on Cartoon Network tonight and I had an awesome time just sitting back and relaxing, watching one of my old favorite movies.
3 - I'm chillin out and enjoying summer this week cause I don't start work for a couple of days.
4 - I am loving this $15 Itunes gift card I got for graduation!! I bought lots of songs tonight and they're so great.
5 - Four words: MEET THE ROBINSONS SOUNDTRACK. Danny Elfman, why do you rock so much? The happiness his music on this album gave me has inpired me to consider taking some sort of music theory elective in college. Just for fun, ya know? When I have extra credits to throw around.
7 - Mommy and me are gonna redo my room. We finally picked a theme: bayou style. Blue and green, fireflies, frogs, all that good stuff. It's gonna be so pretty.
8 - Okay sorry, I gotta say again that music makes me way too happy. *Hugs her Itunes*
9 - I got accepted into the U of A, in their hardest college to get into. WOO!!
10 - I have this new obsession with frogs, it's awesome.
11 - I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!
Wow... that grew to a lot more than five... hmm... Ah well, can't have too much happy!!
-Chi <3
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 ' <3
Chi 11:22 AM
So I wake up this morning to two missed calls. One one was QuickCash demanding Manuel's money. Yes, I just changed my phone number to escape all the colelction agencies calling for Ms. Flores and my new number belonged to Manuel apparently. T-Mobile, can I PLEASE have a number that didn't once belong to someone who won't pay their bills? Please?
The other message was from my good buddy Sari, and it went something like this:
"CHI, HELP ME. I just sat down to write my MTR fic, right? PROBLEM. I'm on chapter three and I just realized something - DORIS DOESN'T EXIST. Lewis didn't create her, damnit! Chi, what the heck am I supposed to do? Why did I forget such a huge plot point of the movie?? WHO'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY VILLAIN NOW?! Help, Chi. Just help. Call me. *click*"
Yes Sari, but who will help me KNEAD the bread? ;)
Seriously though, I must say, the fact that our biggest concern right now is that an animated bowler hat no longer exists in the fiction world is probably a good indicator that life is good.
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 12:02 AM
I feel really sick tonight. Headache, bellyache, probably from dinner. Week Two of being lactose intolerant, and I'm already about to snap. And I'm freaking out because I'm 18 now, suddenly an adult. Holy wow. Anywho, I saw this on Mom's blog, so I thought writing would take my mind off of adulthood for a bit. Here we go: Memories from school.
Apple Jacks or Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries? Captain Crunch without the berries pleeeeease. Apple Jacks's commercial pissed me off. (They don't taste like apple?! REALLY?! Shut up about it now. :D)
Band or choir? Both. I did the trumpet for about a year and didn't like it. I was required to take choir as a class in Elementary school and took it and Andvanced Choir as electives in middle school.
Class ring? They offered em, but I think they're totally just... ugly.
Ducks or Battleships? I'm with mom, WTF are ducks? I never really played either. I used to love the game Cooties actually. And Don't Break the Ice, and Don't Wake Daddy.
Earning money? Once in a while from babysitting. Or from cleaning a room so mom would gimee five bucks. (My first job ever is starting next week.)
Favorite teacher? Mrs. Collins; she was my inspiration, and the reason I love to learn so much. Mr. Schippers, he was friggen HILARIOUS and made World History interesting. Mr. Schmidt and Mrs. Jensen, because they took care of me like I was their own. (I'll never forget the first day I walked into Mrs. Jensen's classroom. She was listening to Fantasmic, and I couldn't believe my ears. I asked her if she liked Disneyland and the first words she ever spoke to me were "Yes, Disneyland is my laughing place." It was instant friendship right there :) And she got me a present for graduation!! I cried. Very hard.) Mr. Gypton, he actually taught me things that are valuable in the real world, made Government so much fun, and was a good take-no-crap teacher. And my mommy of course, will always be my favvy teacher forever :)
Go back and do over? Hard to say. I did like the care-free days before Senior year when you just relaxed and did what everyone told you, but I could do without the jerk classmates and the handful of teachers who knew less than the stupidest kid in the student body.
Home Economics? Nopers. I took... like, Money Economics once... Opened my own Cheer and Dance Supply shop. (Which I put together the night before ;)) Balancing my checkbook was the most fun part :)
Indoor recess? P.E.? INDOOR RECESS!! We had uno, card games, coloring books, all that jazz. Once I colored a sheet and put it back without thinking. The teacher told us in front of everyone to confess who did it and of course, I didn't wanna do it in front of EVERYONE! So I stayed quiet and they took the crayons away for a week :( P.E.'s always been a pain in the butt because I'm a dancer and am perfectly capable of working out on my own. My senior year was the worst though. Our teach made us run laps around the track in the hot arizona sun and she gave me bad grades when I protested and didn't do it. Hey, some people are dancers, some are runners. I am only one of the above, and sitll proud.
Jacks or jump rope? Jump rope! I was in the Jump for Heart club (not very good at double-dutch though) and my favorite jump rope rhyme was Harbor Street and anything that required jumping in and out of the rope, touching the ground, turning around, all that cool stuff.
Kickball or dodge ball? We played dodgeball all the time in senior year. I hated it because the boys always threw the balls at 100 frikken miles an hour and the teacher never stopped them.
Lunchbox? A different one every friggen semester. I was especailly fond of my metal Invader Zim lunch box though. Oh, and my Finding Nemo one.
Musical? They made us do concerts in elementary school all the time. I've willingly done Into the Woods in Middle School, I did High School Musical with a few friends (just a fun lunchtime quicky performance though) and our ballet studio is considering doing Once Upon a Mattress soon, so that would be cool.
Number of school districts? Just one.
Number of Schools? Oh geez... I can't remember anything before 1st grade... When I went to Acacia. (I can picture my kindergarten in my mind, but NO idea what it was called. I rememebr a particularily rude teacher however, who got mad when we didn't color COMPLETELY SOLID.) I was at Acacia from 1-5, Old Vail for 6th, Desert Sky for 7-8, Vail High for 9-10 and Empire for 11-12. Wow, I didn't realize how often I changed... When you're in my district, everywhere feels the same.
Orange or apple? Apples! I hate oranges.
Playground equipment? The see-saw. Though it would suck when your friend would get sick of it before you. The swings were awesome too; I used to hum songs and try to swing with the beat. We also used the special-ed swing as monkey bars. A friend had to teach me how to climb on that, and I was so happy when I learned.
Quiz team or debate team? Neither. Uh... I did Link Crew! Which has nothing to do with this, but oh well... I've done Mock Trial too.
Recess? The jump from the kinder playground to the big kid playground at Acacia was a big day for me :) We had a HUGE playground too; the world was your friggen oyster there. I fell almost every day though. I remember that specifically being a daily part of recess. I also remember being shocked to reach 6th grade and find there was no recess or snack time.
Spring break? Wow... Lots of Summer break memories, but spring? Lookin forward to my birthday, Easter, and shopping with mommy.
Team sports? I atteneded EVERY SINGLE BASKETBALL GAME played at Desert Sky, waved my pom-poms from the stands, sucked onna soda and munched onna candy bar and LOVED every minute of it. (and some other kid STILL won the most spirited award.) I was also a cheerleader in middle school and high school. Loved it, but could do without the rude teammates.
Unfullfilled dream? Never got to raid the Cafeteria, steal the food, jump on the roof and yell "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE PLAYGROUND, I GIVE YOU-- FREE ICE CREAM!!!" Seriosuly, I swore in first grade that that would be my senior prank.
Valuable? Some of it. I'll be honest, I remember nothing from Trig, American History, or Chemistry. I think I learned more life lessons than academics actually. I'm ready to be an adult and that's what school is for.
Walk or bus? Mom picked me up and dropped me off until middle school when I walked, and then I took the bus in high school.
X Country or basketball? Cross Country?! EW!!!! In case you can't tell yet, I HATE RUNNING!! I played basketball for two days. I worked my butt off. Then they put us on teams, made it a point to make sure we knew that C team sucked, and then put me on C team. I quit right after that to be a cheerleader. But I did like going to the games.
Year? DOUBLE-07 BAYBEH!!! I loved my senior class. Some of them were jerks, but being small did feel like having a second family.
ZZZs? I remember falling asleep in American History a LOT. No one ever noticed, but I was always so embaressed when I woke up. (It was the last class of the day; EXHAUSTING!) I kept trying to doze off in Biology AP but I never did. I also fell asleep on the bus once, but that was it.
-Chi <3