Monday, July 30, 2007 ' <3
Chi 2:05 PM
I was really pissed with my teacher at the last recital for scheduling me a TWO MINUTE costume change and then having the gall to confront me about not getting dressed on time, threw a fit, got mad, etc.
I miss dance though. There are only two teachers there that piss me off; I love my other teacher and my dancemates. A one year hiatus from ballet classes made me miss it a LOT though. I think this is good; alternating between tap and jazz because they never get boring.
I've been through a LOT of experimental hobbies. I tried basketball, scuba, cheering for school, etc. Everything I quit because of horrible management. The fact that my studio isn't managed the best it could be, and I'm still gonig back, just proves that dance is my calling. It's the one thing I can honestly say I'm really good at, and I'd be so sad to never go back. Yea, someone's going to make me very mad this year. (Already has, in fact. My teacher wouldn't reccomend me for Teen Jazz because I didn't throw my money at her for a summer class. I guess two years of making the middle-schoolers cry because I have more coordination than them isn't enough to bump me up.) But jerks are gonna be everywhere. Always. I'd be much more sad to not go back. (And the teachers that bug me aren't teaching the class.
I'll start swim lessons next year. That gives me five years to learn to swim better, that's plenty of time. So I'm gonna treat myself to one more year at ballet. And with a job at the school, I'll be able to get there on time. YAY!!!
So I'm sitting by the phone and email now waiting for a word... I'm a little anxious. I'm going into school with mom tomorrow and praying Justin throws me a bone. PLEASE let today be the last day I work at Blockbuster, PLEASE.
-Chi <3
Sunday, July 29, 2007 ' <3
Chi 7:37 PM

We have this issue in our store, you see. We have tiny aisles that barely accomodate two people. On the end of these aisles are precariously placed metal shelves. An average of three customers per day knock these things over. Does anyone care? Course not.
Last night was a busy Saturday night and 20 people were trying to get my attention at once. So I duck into one of the aisles to help someone out and BAM. The big, ugly, raised, purple bruise shown above was produced. Does anyone care NOW? Course not.
I wanna work with the preschoolers NOA. Gawd I hope Justin gives me a job in there. (Please someone from the district, read mah application and email me back por favor!!)
-Chi <3
Thursday, July 26, 2007 ' <3
Chi 1:21 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007 ' <3
Chi 1:33 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ' <3
Chi 12:13 PM
I had two really weird dreams last night.
In the first one, we were circling around Acacia in our car, and my parents were contempating if they should go in and take books from the library or not. Very strange. Finally we drive by a big open door with a sign that says "Library books are for teachers only". Dad finally says that since Mom is a teacher, it's okay. So they get out and go through the door. I follow them and start taking a few books too. I feel weird doing it on the security camera and fear getting yelled at, when I remember that I don't go to this school anymore anyway, and calm down. That's when a bunch of construction people come in, and I dart over to mom. They start yelling in spanish so I have no clue what's going on. All they did was take Daddy into another room, so I went over to mom and went "What the hell? He's still wearing glasses!" Though I dunno what glasses have to do with anything... Mom goes "HE IS?!?! Those jerks!" THEN I peeked in and they gave him a good whack with a big stick, so I freaked out enough to wake up. Damn... So if that wasn't creepy enough.
THEN I have a dream that I am, I kid you not, friends with those creepy Bratz kids from the new movie. Let me get one thing straight here: I despise bratz and everything they impress on young girls. (Seriously, "don't theorize, accesorize"? Right, don't be smart, be a slut. Gotcha.) So why the hell am I having a dream about being friends with them? No friggen clue. This was a crazy detailed dream though. It like, had a plot. We're sitting around someone's house and one of the girls says we should go out for ice cream. So we spend forever deciding who will drive with who. I have to drive with someone because I don't have a car or a license. Not having a license leads us into the conversation of a new Spongebob movie in which Spongebob finally gets his license and this, for some reason, inspires me to go out and get one. As I'm taking the test, one of the girls accuses me of copying off her paper. I asked if there was a reason she was looking at my paper and noticed we had the same answer, and she asked the same thing. I said I couldn't have cheated because she has 24 questions answered and I only have 4. The proctor finally agrees with me.
So we're finally about to drive off to get the ice cream. One of the girls (yea, sorry, I can't for the life of me remember any of their names) says she's going to stay behind. We ask why, and she says her parents haven't been away in forever and she wants the house to herself. So I go back in to get my wallet, and when I get out, everyone has driven away. I'm really super mad and I wait there for them to realize I'm gone. I see a car come back, and I think it's them. It's not though. It's some creepy guy who grabs a midget out of his trunk and tells me to follow him. We dart off to the house's conservatory. and he hides the midget on top of one of the trellaces. I ask who the hell he is and what's going on. He says he can't tell me who it is but that it's vitally important that I take care of the midget by feeding him spices from the garden and water from the water hose. He offers no other explenation and drives off. A few minutes later my friends finally come back, and I get in the car with one of them. I soon regret this decision, and they play lane-change-chicken on the road with other and drive like total maniacs. They're going a million frikken miles an hour and we keep running into people. We finally get back home without ever stopping at the ice cream place. We're back at the friend's house who wouldn't go with us.
I'm about to go upstairs to get read for bed when I hear the girl talking to her dad. I walk down and hide behind the wall, and I see some sort of Wii game on the TV, so I assume they're just playing. But then her dad yells dramatically again, when the Wii character starts blowing things in toward it like a hurricane or something. So I peek behind the wall a bit and find out it's not the game, it's the girl. For some reason, this is my irrifutable proof that the girl is a vampire. So I realize at this point that I'm trapped in a horror movie. I seriously contemplate for a second whether or not it would be cool to reach the end or not, and finally decide to only go on for a little bit before I get out. So I run upstairs to tell me friends. They freak out and start running around screaming. Only one of them comes up to talk to me. I asked her if she wanted to be in the horror movie and she said no, so I said great, me neither, follow me. We went into my room (which is still horror-moviefied) and turned on a bunch of lights and played happy music until my room wasn't horror-moviefied anymore and I gave some corny speech about how we choose whether our life is a horror movie or not. The vampire, midget, and my pending license are never spoken of again.
Yea okay, the last part of the dream makes sense. But what the hell is up with vampire bratz dolls and me hiding midgets? No more cupcakes before bed perhaps?
-Chi <3
Friday, July 06, 2007 ' <3
Chi 8:26 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007 ' <3
Chi 5:43 PM
Mom has officialy earned the Chi seal of Cool and Hipness for saying "Keep Moving Forward" in my last post comment. How long you'll be able to maintain that seal is another story ;)
Today wasn't that bad. Boy was I grumpy last night... And a little this morning. But I got up, watched Chicken Run until mom came to get me, and didn't have to walk to work in the heat after all, which made me feel a lot better. I still had that nasty cold, but today was soooo slow. It was only me and Robin today and since she was back doing... manager-y... things, I basically ran the store on my own today. (But with two people an hour, it was like... whatever.)
So tomorrow I only hafta do my college assesments, then I work on Saturday, then I'm off for a week! I also picked up Pirates 2 and the Ratatouille game on my way out. W00t! I've been trying to get a hold of both of those for two weeks...
Oh, and mama randomly decided we should go the movies tomorrow. Fine by the movie-whore ! Daddy's gonna talk her into seeing Ratatouille for me :) (You knoooow you want to, Mom; remember how awesome Cars was? :3 ad nd it's in PARIS!!) Kay, I'll stop talking now before you give me a lecture...
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 12:51 AM
So I've had a couple of jerk customers at work, and I hate working register, but it's only for a couple of months, so I put up with it. No big deal.
What IS a big deal is I hafta go in tomorrow, and this sucks for several different reasons:
A. I've come down with a bad cold. I felt it a little earlier in the day, but now it's become a sore throat, sniffly nose, and splitting headache.
B. I hafta WALK to work with said cold in the 106 degree heat.
C. July 4th wasn't as great as it could have been. We accidently ran over a dog on the way there (NOT my parents fault all though), damaged and almost flipped the car, I got sick when we drove by and I got a good look at the poor guy, and sent 14 years of tradition basically down the toilet. I'm still not entirely over seeing his body...
D. Taking off wouldn't be a good idea since I'm taking off for orientation and the Harry Potter book release. I mean, I could, Robin could always get someone else to do her dirty work, but I don't want mom to think I'm faking and not let me do anything but sleep and stare at the wall while I'm home.
E. My manager set me up to OPEN BLOCKBUSTER. Alright, this is REALLY starting to piss me off. WHY do you keep scheduling the BRAND-NEW TEENAGER to open and close the stupid store?! Dude, CHOOSE SOMEONE OLDER WHO'S WORKED HERE FOR A WHILE. That's an assistant manager job, not Chi-the-part-time-chic's.
So, that's my rant for the night. I'm gonna see if I can sleep this stupid cold off.
-Chi <3