Friday, September 28, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:06 PM

Yea, not really.
Notice behind the fancy Louis Vouttion cell phone case, I am wearning a $7 High School Musical shirt from Wal-Mart. That's yer first hint ;)
We went to the Green Dragon flea market in Pennsylvania today. There were Coach, Prada, and Louis knock-offs EVERYWHERE. I don't care because they're DAMN GOOD knock-offs, and I will totally pay $30 for aVERY convincing fake rather than $250 for the real thing. I couldn't get the lady with the purse I wanted to go under $35, so I finally settled on getting a Sharpay purse from Claire's and this pretty case. I love it!!!
-Chi <3
Thursday, September 20, 2007 ' <3
Chi 8:13 PM
Go watch them!!
My claim to internet fame:
And my fluffy little Troypay and Ryella video:
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 4:33 PM
Okay, so the rumors over whether or not Vanessa Hudgens will be playing Gabby in High School Musical 3 are getting very annoying. People are stating rumors as fact and thus things are all a mess. "V is DEFINITELY fired" "V is definitely NOT fired", blah blah blah. Well first off, that's getting annoying. Disney has not confirmed or denied anything; THAT is the truth, not a rumor. So dude, PLEASE stop passing stuff off as fact. I won't believe anything as truth until I hear it from Disney themselves.
This is not truth, confirmed, or anything like that, but I am fairly confident that Disney will not replace Vanessa. They're being pretty good about this and not judging her like way too many people are doing now. While I'm ranting about people who are jumping to conclusions, the sick idiots who are offering Vanessa jobs in, let's say... innapropriate shows, need to fall in a hole and die. The poor thing is being made out as a slut as it is. She is NOT A SELL OUT!!! This was private. And she has no intention of becoming a sell out either. So offering her those positions just makes those people look like stupid retards. (I wish I could use a harsher word than that, but my aunts read this blog...)
Anywho, the point of this post was to share something truly beautiful with you. I've never laughed so hard in my LIFE. This is FANTASTIC!!! This, by far, is the best rumor that has gone around EVER. EVER!!!!!
"Because of Vanessa's nude photos of herself, Disney decided to make Gabriella die in High School Musical 3 and make Troy fall in love with another girl, who Adrienne Bailon will be playing. This is the plot(what's half of it):
Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) is said to be destraught over Gabriella Montez's (Vanessa Hudgens) death and in a moment of weekness, hooks up with Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale), who has been scheming to have him for her own from day one of HSM. Troy, then, falls for a new forgein exchange student, played by Adrienne Bailon.
This is crazy! Imagine of Romeo And Juliet like this: Romeo and Juliet survives, but a few days later, Juliet dies and Romeo hooks up with Juliet's enemy. But then falls for a new girl in town. It's MADNESS!"
What's even better, people BELIEVED IT!!!
Riiiiight.... Disney loves family values; loves them so much that they will fire a girl for a private matter that got out. But they can still kill off Gabby in HSM 3!!
I can't wait to see that one in theaters: "High School Musical 3: Gabby's death that devestates Troy, but not for very long apparently because he and Sharpay hook up and get it on before everyone even graduates." Maybe after that Ryan will be so devestated that his crush is gone that he'll violently commit suicide on camera by strangling himself. Then Taylor will turn to illegal drugs to help her deal with the pain. Chad will admit to his drinking problem and Kelsie will reveal she's pregnant... with Ryan's child.
What the hell. That is the dumbest attempt at starting a rumor I've ever heard. But hilarious indeed. I wanna write a humor fic about this now. A parody. It'll be fun.
Ah Disney, you never fail to provide lulz.
-Chi <3
Saturday, September 15, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:12 PM
Okay, so it seems almost everyone's seen this video of this crazy person crying over people being so "mean" to Britney Spears. I just gotta say that first off, it doesn't matter what Britney's been through. That's not the issue. She sucked at the VMA's. Just because she's been through a lot means we don't get to say her performance sucked? You're starting to sound like my good critcism-hating buddy, JackAndSally4Ever on Deviantart, my friend. When you do something publically, it WILL be criticized, and your "tough" life should not have anything to do with that, because, well, it doesn't.
Secondly, dude, chill out. I can understand the frustration, I honestly can. Americans live for gossip, scandels, and drama. So we make a big deal out of things everyday people do. Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella Montez from High School Musical) took a nude picture for her boyfriend a few months ago and they recently leaked on the internet. I feel awful for the poor thing that her personal matters were exposed like that, and that people are going BANANAS over something I KNOW several teenagers have done themselves. She wasn't selling her body, she was doing something private that should have NEVER got out.
Here's the point I'm trying to make: I'm sick of people calling Vanessa a slut and other such undeserving names because of this incident. But DANG, I'm not BAWLING over it. And I thought I was obsessed with High School Musical... This person takes obsession to a whole nother level. I'm behind my girls Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale and my guys Zac Efron and Lucas Grabeel all the way. But the only way you're getting me to make a bawling video of "LEAVE < INSERT CUTE GUY OR AWESOME GIRL ACTOR HERE > ALONE" is if one of them is being stabbed to death in a K-Mart and people are stepping over them as it happens...
Having said all that, I think Britney deserves a little criticism for everything she's getting ragged on for. On one hand I know we tend to pick on celebrities, but on the other hand, just because the person is a celebrity doesn't mean they never do anything wrong and the media is just "giving them a hard time".
I leave you with a quote from South Park on Micheal "Jefferson" Jackson to rest my case:
Cartman: I'm sick of people making all these claims about Mr. Jefferson! That he molests children, that he's a bad father, that he had plastic surgery!!
Micheal Jackson: It's ignorant!! *jaw falls off*
-Chi <3
Thursday, September 13, 2007 ' <3
Chi 7:38 PM
Annalise: I love beetles. And I LOVE to catch grasshoppers.
Me: When I was your age, I loved to catch grasshoppers too. But now I'm afraid of them
Annalise: *while throwing hands in the air* Well, the times, they are-a changing.
-Chi <3
Friday, September 07, 2007 ' <3
Chi 3:58 PM

Yes. Yes that is pictures of Lucas Grabeel (Ryan) placed among the several Zac posters. They're both hot, what can I say. These pictures don't include the two Ashley and Zac posters I missed on the other wall and was too lazy to go back and snap a shot of.
The last three pictures are presents from my kindergartners. They asked me who my favorite HSM character was, and when I said "Ryan and Sharpay", they all got to work trying to draw them.
The first one did a pretty good job of writing "Wildcats" for a five year old.
The second one is supposed to be Troy and Gabriella. I'm not quite sure how. But it worked in her mind, and that's good enough for me.
The last one is Sharpay and Ryan again. That green upside down traffic cone on Ryan's head is his hat, and the green things in front of them are their microphones. Sharpay is apparently having a HORRENDOUS hairday.
They're so cute, but they wear you out, man. I'm exhausted and sooooo happy it's Friday. Yey!
-Chi <3
Thursday, September 06, 2007 ' <3
Chi 8:30 PM
I'm sorry, it had to be shared. As brain-breakingly awful as that last fiction entry was, I was lucky enough to find one made of awesome today.
It's by far one of the best High School Musical stories ever written, and this line right here had me DYING with laughter (and in a good way.)
"My first coherent thought as my eyes shot open is that if I’m in heaven, my sister Sharpay is there with me and she looks furious. Either God told her she couldn’t bring in her eight hundred dollar Louis Vuitton handbag or I’m still alive."
You win, my friend. Win forever. Thank you for sparing me a bottle of bleach from the "spare babies" number.
-Chi <3
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 ' <3
Chi 9:33 PM
Normally I don't do this outside of GAFF, but this line in particular had me in stitches for hours.
I'm sitting in my bed, sick as a dog, reading some High School Musical fan fictions before I go to bed. Right now I'm browsing through my two favorite communites: Troy/Sharpay romance stories, and Ryan/Sharpay sibling fluff stories. Of course, in the latter case, I always end up running into one or two fictions that, uh... think they should be more than just siblings. Yea, nasty, I know.
The horribly written trainwrekcs burn my retnas. And they all follow the same formula. Either they make out while feeling incredibly guilty the entire time, or they find out they're not really related. WTF? They're TWINS. How do you mess that up??
Well, this person found a way. I couldn't stop laughing. After a few chapters of Sharpay whining and moaning that it's "OMG so wrong to be in love with him", their mother finds out and leaves them a note:
"I wanted to give you some time alone to think about this. I never meant to lie to either of you, and I hope you can forgive me.
The scan showed that I had twins… your father would have been devastated and furious if he had discovered that one of them had been still born, so I sent the nurse out,
and she found a child almost identical to the baby I had had."
YES MY FRIENDS, THE HOSPITAL KEEPS A CLOSET FULL OF SPARE BABIES IN THE BACK ROOM. It's like the melons at the grocery store, though. You have to ask them where they keep the good ones.
That's undoubtedly the best excuse I've heard for any of these fictions. Spare babies... wow. You owe me a new laughbox, author.
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 7:25 PM
So I was reading the news tonight, looking for the article on High School Musical coming to my town since Mama's gonna get us tickets to it. I came across a few stories, comments, etc. And I gotta tell ya, I get more and more pissed with every one I see.
Let me be very clear right off the bat: this isn't a rant directed at someone who happens to not like HSM. I hate my share of things that EVERYONE loves as well. (Lord of the Rings, Napoleon Dynamite, Borat, etc.) Here's what DOES piss me off: every freaking review I read picks on HSM simply because it's EASY.
It's a Disney Channel Original Movie, and they usually suck. But notice the key words there: DISNEY CHANNEL. If I see one more review saying "it's too childish", I will blow up. IT'S A DISNEY MOVIE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
Holy crap, if you're gonna rip on something for being too childish, you gotta rip on Dora the Explorer too. But we rip on HSM because it's a phenomenon that everyone loves, so it's easy to jump at. These rants that people in their 20's and 30's are making are starting to bug me because the movie is NOT aimed at them for crying out loud! Audience. That's something we learn right away in writing. It's like a food critic saying cat food has "too much tuna". Calling HSM too childish is a laugh. THAT WAS THE POINT.
NOW personally I didn't find it very childish. I know the "be yourself" moral has been used for, but recycled morals are in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. How you get to that moral is important, so I found the plot to be very original, intrinsic, and the music is fantastic. I adore music, so it's the perfect combo for me. For the record, 1/3 of HSM 2's viewers on opening night were teeangers. That's a LOT and doesn't include adults as well.
Okay, so I'm starting to get off track; let me say again: it doesn't annoy me that there are some people that don't like HSM. That totally makes sense and is to be expected with ANYTHING. The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm getting annoyed with the people who are ragging on it only because it's SO EASY to rag on things made for a young audience.
At the same time, that kind of makes me sad. It's easy to make fun of things devoid of cursing, blood, violence, risque humor, etc. The most common thing it seems HSM is poked fun at for is its message of friendship, loyalty, trust, compassion towards others and all that jazz. That is the biggest reason it's easy to make fun of. IT PROMOTES GOOD MORALS, AND THUS IT'S MADE FUN OF.
It's a pattern in a lot of movies, not just HSM. But that's the one that really bothers me. I'm totally cool if you didn't like HSM because you just thought it was a bad movie. I'm totally bothered if you didn't like it because it carried an obvious, albiet beautiful message.
Looking on the good side though, I was very happy to hear HSM 2 broke the record for most watched cable show in history. (Beating out the sopranos.) Not just because it's my favorite movie, but because it restores my faith in humanity that America can like something where people don't get their heads blown off.
So that's the good side, I suppose. They're coming out with another friggen Saw movie (a series of torture movies), but they're also coming out with HSM 3. So there's that to keep my sanity at least.
I leave you on this last note of bias in the newspaper. This article was about a drama teacher complaining that Disney was being outrageous with how much they charged for giving licenses to schools to do their show.
""For 600 seats per night, at $7 a ticket, we were charged $895 per show.""
Um.... one word: lolwhut? 600 x's 7 is 4,200. Disney doesn't even take a third of what they make. Pretty generous of them if you ask me since THEY WRITE THE SHOW and give you ALL THE RESOURCES to perform it.
But if they had written it "For $4,200 a night, we were charged $895 per show" it wouldn't look like Disney was OMG TEH EVIL.
Thank you, Mr. Gypton, for teaching me how to catch sneaky jerks like this in the media.
-Chi <3