Friday, October 26, 2007 ' <3
Chi 12:48 PM
Pick a band whose lyrics have always felt express your life and emotions well.
Use ONLY their lyrics to answer the following survey.
Which band are you using?
I'm cheating. That's right. I'm using the High School Musical movies.
~Are you a boy or girl?
A long time ago in a land far away, there was a Pineapple Princess
~How old are you?
School's out, scream and shout!
~Where do you live?
In a land far away.
~What's your home life like?
We're all in this together
~What's your current mood?
Gonna have fun in the sun now that all of my work, work is done.
~What do/did you think of school?
School pride, let's show it!
~Describe your first love.
I've never had someone that knows me like you do, the way you do.
~Describe your first heartbreak.
Now I have to pretend that I don't really care.
~Describe the emotion behind a moment you will never, ever forget.
Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance, so I believe that you and me should grab it while we can.
~What do you think of your life in general?
I want fabulous, that is my simple request
~What's changed for you in the past year?
No more waking up at 6 am!
~What's one thing you do every day?
Move it to the groove til the music stops.
~What's your favorite color?
......PInk. (Okay, not a song lyric, but Fabulous speaks for itself.)
~What's your favorite sound?
Everybody QUIET!!
~Do you have any piercings/tattoos?
No no no noooo! No no no. Stick to the stuff you know.
~Do you take drugs?
Don't mess with the flow, no no.
~Say something to someone you miss.
Everyday of our lives, wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.
~Say something to someone you can't stand.
I told you not to do the jazz squares.
~Say something to someone you like.
Because of you I've got the strength to start.
~What's your current status?
I'm off the clock, the pressure's off.
~Are you happy with it?
Enough already, I'm waiting, come on let's go.
~Describe your most recent last relationship.
You'll never know if you never try.
~Describe your last kiss.
I need more.
~Describe a favorite hobby.
Just dancing. Sometimes I think it's cooler than homework.
~What's your favorite season?
What time is it? SUMMERTIME!
~Do you ever get deja vu?
I gotta get my head in the game
~Ever been drunk?
Hey batter WHAT?
~What did you last cry over?
I gotta leave, but I'll miss you.
~Describe one of your happiest moments.
The summer that we wanted, yea we finally got it.
~Describe the perfect partner.
A wish upon a star that's coming true.
~Describe your perfect day/night.
Gonna relax and renew.
~Describe your best friend/friends.
We're a champion team, a well-oiled machine.
~What's something you wish to achieve?
To turn my life around, today is the day.
-What's something about yourself that you're proud of?
I'm runnin, climbin, to get to the place to be all that I can be.
~What's something you'd change about yourself?
I wanna listen to my own heart talkin, I need to count on myself instead.
~Where do you hope to be in five years?
Soarin, flyin, there's not a star in heaven that I can't reach.
~What's one thing you want to do/try before you die?
I long to free a truly remarkable fish.
~Death is inevitable. How do you want to go out?
Sing through my heart with the power of love, just a girl with a ukelele.
~Describe your outlook on life.
Let's rock and roll and just let go, feel the rythym of the drums.
~What's one piece of advice you'd give to the world if they'd only listen?
We're not gonna lose, cause we get to choose how it's gonna be.
-Chi <3
Thursday, October 25, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:56 PM
Chi: Is everyone excited for Halloween?
Kids: YEEEAAAAA!!!!!
Annelise: Are you gonna go trick-or-treating Miss Chi?
Chi: Oh most definitely.
Brian: Who are you gonna be?
Chi: Sharpay Evans from High School Musical.
Chi: Who are you guys gonna be?
Brian: Spider-Man!
Hannah: Belle!
Isabella: A scientist.
Chi: Why a scientest, Isabella?
Isabella: It's what I'm gonna be when I grow up.
Chi: Ooh, that's great. What are you all going to be when you grow up? Zachary?
Zachary: A teacher!
Chi: Taylor?
Taylor: An astronaut!
Chi: Chloe?
Chloe: The first woman to be on the radio.
Chi: .............

-Chi <3
Thursday, October 18, 2007 ' <3
Chi 7:22 PM
Yes, I DID spell moar correctly. (Most of my friends would know this, but mom would go "ZOMG U SPELLED DAT WRONG AAAAAH WORLD END!!") ;)
I made a Marnie/Ethan video with my time off (Return to Halloweentown).
I keep making my videos good by accident. I meant for this to be a boring montage set to music but I ended up getting effects and a theme in there, kinda like how I accidently synched everything perfectly in my High School Musical videos. The ending's pretty epic too if I do say so myself :P
Have at it:
-Chi <3
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 ' <3
Chi 7:09 AM
Well my teacher never showed up for Bio today, so we were all set free. Well crap, that gives me nearly 3 and a half hours to do absolutely NOTHING. My homework's finished and no one's batshit looney enough to show up to Pima at 6 in the bloody morning. I had the hardest frikken time waking up today and my class was canceled. WTF? So it's only 7-ish now, but this is what my schedule has been/will be now.
5 frikken 45: Dad tries to wake me up. Curse words are involved in our exhcange.
5:50: Dad tries to wake me up again. Don't even acknowledge him this time.
6:00: Finally sit up, whine for a minute or two, get up.
6:15: Mother frikker I have to trek all the way to the LIVING ROOM to get to the laundry pile.
6:20: WTF is Charity?!
6:30: Call Charity. She's not coming, duh.
6:45: Breakfast line is too long, will be late for class.
7:01: Officialy late for class.
7:10: Ms. Bird is obviously not coming. There IS no Bio today. *sigh*
7:15: Call Charity and ask when she's coming so she can entertain me.
7:20: Call again to ask if she left yet.
7:25: Call once again to ask if she's left yet. Comment on Lucas' hottness. Ask if she left yet again.
7:30: Call one more time to ask if she's even close to leaving yet.
7:35: Call again to tell her I came up with this great idea for a blog entry about spending a morning in college at 6 frikken AM.
7:45: No one is here. This is kinda creepy. The bookstore is closed. The café is closed. Admissions, financial aid, registration, all closed. The TV is off. There is but ONE person sitting in the computer commons with his laptop. I never realized that I show up for class BEFORE THE COLLEGE OPENS!!! It's just more proof that only me and about a handful of students are crazy enough to show up for a 7 AM class.
7:50: Charity finally shows up. Waste lots of time looking at Lucas Grabeel videos.
8:50: Steal Charity's notebook and look at all her fanfic ideas. Get prompt whack on head for this.
9:00: Charity attempts to get focused and do homework. Attempt failed.
9:05: Waste more time squeeing over Lucas' hips.
9:30: Charity attempts to get focused once more and at least try to do one homework problem. Attempt failed.
9:35: Decide "how do I shook hips" would be the best Lucas macro EVER. This prompts us to google the words "LOL hips" just to see what will come up.
9:40: The first two results are porn and Vegas discounts. Wut?
9:45: Decide to make an extra credit powerpoint for a future anatomy class on said hips.
10:00: Marvel and bask in the fact that we just spent nearly three hours squeeing over an unnatainable High School Musical hottie.
10:10: Go to Soc 101 nice and refreshed because I didn't try to frikken learn anything at 6 -- FRIKKEN -- AM.
Okay whatever, it's usually not a big deal, it just was today. This week's dragging pretty slowly too cause me and Charity are having another sleepover on Friday. (AKA Lucas-fest part two). I'm so excited. We're gonna watch Return to Halloweentown (possibly Halloweentown High before that) and all that good schtoof.
Huzzah >D
Seriously, this place is really creepy when it's empty. I should be writing poetry right now...
-Chi <3