Wednesday, November 07, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:18 PM
Yay 13-hour clock!! I was gonna put it at the top of my blog but it totally messes with my flawless High School Musical layout :( So I'm like hey, put it inna post. Just like my poor forgotten Pocket Emo... hmm.
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 2:15 PM
Sari: I miss you.
Chi: Sorry. I don't think you'd have appreciated me showing up and throwing up all over you today.
Sari: Well Nathan does it all the time.
Chi: True.
Sari: I'm so excited about the Disney trip. You'll hang out with me and Nathan, right?
Chi: Mmhmm. I also promised Sara that I'd take Little Sari around. I love that kid, she goes on everything with me.
Sari: I shoulda just put out the money for the bus like you did. What am I thinking, driving?
Chi: Oh, cause you have a one year old in the backseat? I know. It sounds like fun though, Sari. I thought you and Nathan had like, bonding time or something when you did it last.
Sari: No no, it's not that. I just can't find the damn place.
Chi: Mom can't find it either.
Sari: But parents are old. We're young and as year 2000-types, our sense of direction should be better than that.
Chi: Okay, whatever--
Sari: And when you find it, whado you get?? That stupid sign that tells you how much parking is. Congrats, you found Disneyland, now fork the money over.
Chi: At least Nathan gets in free.
Sari: But couldn't they say something nice, like Welcome, or something?
Chi: I'm pretty sure it does around the parking garage somewhere...
Sari: Well something NICER.
Chi: Jesus Christ Sari, you want them to congratulate you for your keen sense of direction on the old marquee?
Sari: It's a start.

-Chi <3
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 ' <3
Chi 6:16 PM
Okay, the sickness is getting to me and making me feel upset about everything, so I'm gonna list my problems here because it seems that when I list them, I feel much better.
- My Soc book got stolen yesterday. There was nothing I could do about it, we all got into a big circle and were working together and there were points where I HAD to get up and move somewhere else to talk to the other members of my group and among the chaos, someone took my book. *SIGH* It's the material that's the problem, I can get that stuff from a friend. What IS the problem is that I have a feeling mom will get on my case about how it's my responsibility, even though there's nothing I can do about a book being STOLEN from me. Yea, I didn't lose it, I take good care of my books. Someone stole it. Yea, it was an expensive lesson to learn. (If there IS a lesson, I mean, what could I have done about it?) I keep an eye on my laptop and Ipod and all that stuff and never leave it alone for a second, but this was a textbook. I HAD to leave my book though to go talk to my group. Everyone left their books there, some 50 witnesses couldn't have known which book belonged to who, so it mighta been an accident, whatever.
The upsides: Someone claims to have seen a Soc book at lost and found. I'll check tomorrow. If it's not there, I was the one who paid for it. It only cost a day's worth of work at the preschool, and I know that's nothing to sneeze at, but at least now I know to hold onto your damn textbook even if the teacher says not to.
- I'm only doing okay in school. Yea, I know that sounds silly. I'm a B to C average student. They said this would happen in just about every college book I read, but I'm not used to being average, I'm used to being the best in school, and it's kinda hard just being, you know, mediocre.
The upsides: Well, exactly what I first said. This happens to just about everyone from High School to college. At least I'm not a D-F average student. And there's plenty of time to go. Being the best was important in High School. It's not important right now because a degree is a degree. It doesn't mean blow stuff off, but I'm trying my absolute hardest right now, and as long as I'm doing that, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
- I really want to like everything about my job, but I know that can't happen, I enjoy most of what I do. What I don't enjoy is some of my coworkers, who like to watch me more than they watch the kids so they can catch me making a mistake. I really don't get it, why are we picking on the new kid?
The upsides: I'm doing a fantastic job, in my opinion. And my boss loves me to death, and that's what's really important. I've been in the preschool a lot lately too instead of the kindergarten and I LOVE doing aftercare. This is what's getting me to San Diego too. Everytime a preschooler climbs onto my lap and says "I love you Miss Chi!", it's just worth it.
-I have so much damn homework to do and I'm SO sick. Grr.
The upsides: Well I won't be sick for long, and at least I actually understand this homework. By tomorrow morning it will be all over, and then I get to have fun at Disneyland on Friday. The quicker I finish, the quicker I can go take a niiiice long soak in the parent's huge bathroom too.
Okay, doing that REALLY helps. Whenever I'm done writing all my problems down, I feel LOADS better and realize that my problems are hardly problems, or really a big deal at all. That took a lot of stress off and now I can finish my homework without going "waaah" in my head again. Woohoo!
-Chi <3