Friday, December 28, 2007 ' <3
Chi 8:57 PM
I'm bored.
So this is jacked from Livejournal. The fandom I'm using is High School Musical of course.
"One True Pairing" ship: Troy and Sharpay for the WIN!!!
"One True Threesome" ship: Um, I'm a strict poligamist, but if you mean two girls in constant struggle over a boy or vice versa, Ima say Troy, Sharpay, and Gabby
"Canon" ship: Chad and Taylor. One of the few canon pairings I actually ship.
"Not quite canon but should be" ship: Ryan/Gabby. Heck yea man
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Ryan/Zeke. I've yet to see one on, and though I am pleased about this, I am quite confused, because Zeke's one of the few boys who actually speaks to Ryan in the first movie.
"You are one sick bastard" ship: Troy/Ryan. Seriously people, WHY?!
"I'm one sick bastard" ship: Ryan/Chad. If I wasn't a hardcore Ryella fan, I'd be into it.
"I dabble a little" ship: Kelsie/Jason. It seemes they were paired because they were the only dateless ones by the end of the movie, but okay then.
"It's like a car crash" ship: Martha/Ryan. I see what you're trying to do there, Disney. And it's just a slap in the face to us Ryella shippers.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" ship: Ryan/Kelsie. Okay, I guess Charity's kinda got me going "hmm, that's cute", but I'm not quite there yet.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" ship: Troy/Taylor. Nope, sorry, I refuse to support Troy/Kelsie. Something about it bugs me. (Perhaps the three year age difference?)
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship: Zeke/Sharpay. Yea, so what if Disney paired them together. Obviously she doesn't like him, HSM proved that when she just went after Troy again.
"When all is said and done" ship: Troypay, Ryella, Jelsi, Zekartha, and Chaylor. And so it shall remain.
-Chi <3
Monday, December 17, 2007 ' <3
Chi 11:10 PM
You Were Naughty This Year |
 You Were 65% Naughty, 35% Nice
You may not have been good this year... But you sure had a really good time. And nothing from Santa could top that! |
It's only mad cause I didn't donate to charity and told a white lie to a friend. Santa's a picky little bitch isn't he?
-Chi <3
Friday, December 14, 2007 ' <3
Chi 9:56 PM
Ashley, I love ya.

This girl right here? Gorgeous. She's fantastic, she's my idol, and she was even more gorgeous in person.

When I'm typing on the computer, turn my head, and literally scream out loud because your demon-possesed eyes with the flash reflecting on them scared the everliving crap out of me?

Perhaps it's time we put another Lucas Grabeel poster in your place.

-Chi <3
Monday, December 10, 2007 ' <3
Chi 7:30 AM
Sorry, I been bad not updating, but here I am.
I've been whining lately about how college has been kicking my butt. That I'm trying my best but still apparently not doing so hot.
Guess what?
That's all in my head.
Yes it is.
I was spoiled by powerschool last year. I could always tell exactly what my grade was whenever I wanted it. So now that this year I CAN'T see my grade whenever I please, I just automatically assume I'm dong bad.
I talked to my Bio teacher (the only class I was really concerned about) and said "My only concern is that I don't have a D in here." Her eyebrow goes up. "Oh god," I'm thinking, "here's the part where she says 'uh, YEA yo do.'". She goes... and I kid you not, word for word.
"What? Chi, you have nothing to worry about. You have one of the best grades in this class. You're my most exceptional student, you obviously don't need a lot of guidance."
I gave a big, beaming smile, thanked her, walked out of the room where Ryan was waiting and just started crying. (He thought I was going to tell him I DID fail ;))
I apparently don't give myself enough credit for the work I do. I knew I did all the homework and aced my tests, but not being able to see my grade really worried me. I've been a mental case since December started, and a huge burden just came off my shoulders.
I'm better than I give myself credit for and it feels awesome!!!
-Chi <3