Monday, March 31, 2008 ' <3
Chi 6:10 PM
The weirdest person you know: Wow... um... I'm gonna have to say Zach :)
The Loudest Person you Know: My mom :)
The Person that Knows the Most about you: My sissy
Your Crush?: Lucas Grabeel *swoon*
Your most overused phrase on IM: "OMG B3"
The last image/thought you go to sleep with: "You can STILL hear the bride's beating heart... *thump thump thump thump*" (I listened to the story of the mansion as told by the actor of the new bride to sleep last night :))
Inside joke: OH MY HAIR!!!
Take a shower everyday: Everyday except sometimes saturdays
Have a(any) crush(es): In REAL life? As in not Lucas or Zac? Yea, this ridiculously hot guy in my art class.
Think you know you've been in love: Yep. His name was Glen. And then my friend found that out and stole him (purposely). Bah.
Want to get married: Not right now, no. That could change later, but as of right now, I get way too bored to see myself getting married.
Have any tattoos/where?: NO WAY. And you won't talk me into it, mom and sis.
Piercings/where?: Ears are pierced. I'd pierce my bellybutton if it weren't so unsanitary and hard to maintain.
Get motion sickness: No way, that's sissy's department.
Think you're a health freak: Interesting term.... but no. Not even close.
Get along with your parents: When our hormones all happen to be inactive at the same time, yes :)
Like thunderstorms: YEEEEEES
Ryan: Evans
Rob: Monster
Drew: Barrymore
Heather: Sick
Will: Smith
Paul: Newman's Own
Eve: Christmas
John: Jacob Jinkle Hiemer Schmidt
Laura: Carrot
Alex: First grade
Ricky: Martin
SIGN: Aries
DAY: Friday
MONTH: December
SONG: oh CRUD that's a hard one. I have a BUNCH but right now it's HSM's "Gotta Go My Own Way"
FOOD: Potato Skins
SEASON: Winter
SPORT: Cheerleading
DRINK: Pepsi
VEGGIE: Cucumbers
CUDDLE OR MAKE-OUT? lmao, um.... cuddle. I WOULD like to make-out someday though... what girl wouldn't?
MILK, DARK, OR WHITE CHOCOLATE? Milk chocolate for the win
CRIED? Yes. But it was a good one, my teach stopped being a jerk.
HELPED SOMEONE? Yep, Candy was having a guilt crisis.
BOUGHT SOMETHING? Yep!! An adorable DESIGNER High School Musical bag and a Troy cell phone charm for my phone.
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? Yep, Burger King and paradise pasta salad.
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? Who writes real letters?
TALKED TO SOMEONE YOU CRUSH ON? Indeedy doody. I talk to him a lot, he's pretty oblivious :P
MISSED SOMEONE? My sweet baby Pigeon :(
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 5:33 PM
Good news, my speech teacher isn't going to fail the class.
Or at least, he's not going to fail ME. He was reluctant to admit it, I could tell, but my new outline written to HIS tastes showed vast improvement, and he had nothing to say about anything wrong with it. I'm gonna think "Sharpay" when I give it tomorrow; be as dramatic as possible and to hell what my classmates think. It's time to put my delivery over the top and get extra credit in exchange for maybe having a few kids whom I'll never see again think I' crazy.
Speaking of Sharpay, I finished reading the new HSM book and I'm annoyed for two reasons: it was well written, but they jacked a character I created. What the hell? My character is named April Nielson, and she starts as a crazy freshman who takes Sharpay's spot in the musical when she gets too sick to perform. As the new freshman, she's just crazy-obsessed with the Evans Twins, and makes it her mission to be friends with them and worship the ground they walk on so she can be with the popular crowd. Sharpay finds it fishy, and Ryan just keeps telling her to be nice to her. She eventually goes from sweet admirer to absolutely batshit insane stalker, crushing on Troy and eventually OVERLY crushing on Ryan, and doing some not-very-good things to Gabby and Sharpay in order to get close to him.
What the hell, the book is about a girl names ASHLEY. New freshman who enters East High in the middle of the semester, who admires and worships the ground the Evans Twins walk on so she can be with the popular crowd. Sharpay finds it fishy and Ryan just keeps telling her to be nice to her. She eventually goes from sweet admirer, to batshit insane stalker, crushing on Troy and doing some not-very-good things to Gabby in order to get close to him.
I hate you, Disney :(
Second reason I'm pissed is because the ending was horrible. Sharpay and Ryan had a huge party at Lava Springs for their birthday, and due to their cramming for exams, they decide to not run down to the club and approve all the details and just hope it all works out. It doesn't. The decorations got mixed up with a couple's 50th anniversary, the food shows up totally spoiled, and to top it all off, the artist their father promised to get to perform at their party doesn't show up.
Gabby talks to Ryan, who's in tears in the hallway. Now, I want you to think VERY hard about Disney formula for a second. Think. And answer this question. Will Gabriella:
A. Give Ryan a big hug and offer for her and Troy to drive him and Sharpay to the mall and pay for snacks and a movie so Ry and Shar can still have a fun birthday with their closest friends
B. Get on the stage and remind everyone that this is about Ry and Shar's big day, and we can still save this party by having a good time and just being with each other
or C. Giggle to herself while people pick on and make fun of Ry and Shar for being such nerds that they studied too much and messed up their party, and proclaim to Troy that the two of them should go to his house and watch a movie (presumably to make out) and leave behind a still-being-laughed-at Ry and Shar.
If you guessed A or B, you're normal. If you guessed C, you wrote the damn book. And should be shot.
Seriously, WTF is up with that?
-Chi <3
Thursday, March 27, 2008 ' <3
Chi 7:48 AM
Two things that give me a little comfort in these situations are this:
"It's not the end of the world" and
"What's the worst that can happen?"
As humans I think it's easy to be scared of what will happen without looking at what the consequence will be.
Worst case scenario: Speech teacher is a jerk and fails us all for fun. I'm out $100 and three credits. If summer classes can't make up for them all, another semester is needed. It's only 9 bloody weeks anyway. That's a chance to work longer and make more money. And since I'm taking the year off to work, it's not as if I'm on a deadline to get to San Diego. (Don't need to move in before the year starts or something.)
More likely scenario: Speech teacher is a jerk who overreacts and likes scaring his students. Won't actually flunk the kids who do their work and do it well, such as myself.
I just kinda want this semester to be over, is all. Even if I have to take one or two classes, having most of them online will be a million times more of a relief. Maybe I can even take on extra classes that way too in case something goes wrong here.
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 12:24 AM
I don't hate public speaking when it's scripted.
I hate public speaking when I wrote the speech.
Thanks for saying you'd be happy to fail us all if we don't do good on this next speech.
Thanks for teaching us how to write a stupid outline and research topics like in a, I dunno, WRITING 101 CLASS??
This is only public speaking skills after all. So of course it makes sense that we've only given 3 speeches since class started.
Thanks for stressing me out so much so that I have a headache and can't get enough sleep for your class tomorrow because your threat is weighing on my brain tonight and all I can do is cry.
That's what all GOOD professors do, right? Stress their students out to extremes? Instead of recognizing efforts and TEACHING how to improve those efforts? All good teachers want their students to think of nothing but their class, including when they're frikken trying to sleep.
You can rest assured you'll be getting a great score on that course evaluation come May. I won't forgive you if I lose $100 on this deal and have to postpone San Diego even further.
-Chi <3
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 ' <3
Chi 4:08 PM
Posted because Sari's internet-stupid and couldn't find the clip she was asking for. Sorry chickadee, it's only 30 seconds long; the best one with the highest quality I could find.
I guess anyone else who's reading can enjoy too as long as you're here :P
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 11:29 AM
I think I've stumbled upon either a very dangerous undercover government operation, or a group orgy. One or the other...
Math class let out a little early today, leaving a little less than half an hour til my art class. With it being sunny allergy season, I thought it would be nice to go inside my classroom (some students show up as much as an hour early) and work on my sketchbook a bit. I walk up to the door, and the second I pull it open, this ginormous guy who looks like hobo Jesus (the word bohemian comes to mind) darts out of his seat and yells "WAIT!!!" and ushers me out of the room. (It's a panicked "wait", not a mad one.)
I apologize quietly and sidle off to the bench next to the door. He comes out and goes "WHAT TIME YOUR NEXT CLASS START, GIRL?" I'm just like "Uh.... a little less than half an hour?" "Oh..." he says. "Well you EARLY." And then, I swear to god, he darts across the way, runs into the dean's office, stays there for all but 15 seconds, and runs back across the way into the classroom.
The hell?
-Chi <3
Sunday, March 23, 2008 ' <3
Chi 12:52 PM
Use 3 words (No more, no less) to answer each question.
Where is your cell phone?
~ Next to me
Your hair?
~ in a ponytail
Where is your father?
~ cleaning the kitchen
Your favorite thing to do?
~ Cheer and dance
Your dream last night?
~ Attacked by monsters
Your favorite drink?
~ Pepsi fo' sho!
Your dream car?
~ Bright pink bug!
The room you are in?
~ My parent's room
Your fears?
~ Drowned by tsunami
What you're not good at?
~ Math and running
~ Wut wut wut?
One of your wish list items?
~ Movie theatre credit
Where did you grow up?
~ Canton Ohio, word
The last thing you did?
~ Drew a Who
What are you wearing?
~ T-shirt, shorts, socks
Your computer?
Your life?
~ Wee bit hectic
Your mood?
~ Chilled yet tired
~ My sweet Pigeon
What are you thinking about right now?
~ Talking to Sari
Your car?
~ Yea, I wish
Your work?
~ First grade parapro
Your summer?
~ More work opportunities
Your favorite color(s)?
~ Pink, blue, green
When is the last time you laughed?
~ Horton Hears....aWho (Yea, I cheated. Get over it, a's not a word :P)
Last time you cried?
~ Entered wrong pin
~ Die in fire :)
-Chi <3
Thursday, March 20, 2008 ' <3
Chi 9:31 PM
When I came home, this was waiting on my cell's answering machine:
"*BEEP* Chi...
What does it mean when your baby hacks up a whole can of peaches?
Call me. *beep*"
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 5:56 PM
Do watch out for AIM screenname "courtz819" who is apparently "associate producer" of the Tyra Banks show and is recruting guests and conveniently meeting with Tyra in a short half hour! And would LOVE to pitch your story to her if you only give her lots of personal info like your name, phone number, email, number of kids, and location.
I passed her "concerns" along to a friend who promptly gave her the info she needed. I am happily married in New York with an 8 year old emo Who-son named Jojo and a few week old daughter named Heidi. My phone number is apparently the rejection hotline number, my name is Carol Germoski, and I'm too afraid to touch phones, money, or email because it's dirty.
Anywho, none of my blog-readers would be dumb enough to think talkshow hosts recruit on frikken AIM, but just know that courtz819 is up to SOMETHING.
P.S., to all concerned friends and family, not one piece of personal information has ever been typed on this keyboard in any way, shape, or form in any location. So good luck to anyone who wants it.
-Chi <3
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 ' <3
Chi 7:55 AM
Why do I hate school so much that I get a stomach ache just thinking about having to get up and go in?
Seriously, what do I have to worry about? I've got A's and B's in everything, including math. Speech this morning I have to dance a little for everyone, but that will be over and done with in a matter of minutes. I have a lot of math work to do today, but at least the teacher's really nice. Art is never a big deal, and I only hafta go swim for an hour, which is the easiest part of my day.
I think it might very well be the classroom environment. I dunno why it never bothered me in high school, but now, for some reason, it does. (Perhaps it's just not as pleasant as a high school environment...)
Drives me batty. I probably won't be able to take EVERYTHING online next year, but I'm certainly gonna try. Because it has nothing to do with doing work. As I said, I have A's and B's, and when I'm doing work at home, I'm a million times more comfortable. There's just something about going into the classroom that makes me physically ill. Spring break though; things can only go up from there I suppose.
Writing that out made it all look not so bad too...
-Chi <3
Sunday, March 09, 2008 ' <3
Chi 7:03 PM
Do you ever get like, a really horrible stomach ache when you're either really excited or really happy?
Annoying as all heck. I've been pretty excited about getting my first multi-chapter fiction in YEARS up, and actually knowing where it's going, and to add to that excitement, the response on it had been crazy. My box is getting filled up with reviews and mostly private PM's saying they love it, and I AM very proud of it, but damn.
So it's not too bad, and I didn't make this blog to complain. Only to make an interesting observation...
I googled, in as many different phrases as possible, what causes stomach pains when you're excited. And I mean the scientific reason, meaning "hormones" is not an answer. I understand hormones are a chemical that can upset the stomach, but why doesn't anyone have a scientific explanation to why? Do hormones spill over certain organs and eat slightly at the mucus like stomach acid? Does the tummy recognize hormones as an intruder instead of a part of the body?
Then I realized that I'm a nerd for wondering in the first place. *sigh*
-Chi <3
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 ' <3
Chi 9:13 PM

Auntie ChiChi loves her little Pigeon!!
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 3:46 AM
How did I know?
How DID I know that if I went ot Charity's house tonight, Sharon would have a baby?
Well I got the call at 1 am. I thought it was 6 and time for school, as Charity's phone went off VERY loudly. I decided to ignore it and not wake up until Charity poked me. But then I heard MY phone, so I picked it up and mom said Sissy was in labor. OMG!!
So, in the ultimate test of friendship, selfless Charity got up right away. Without hesitation she asked me what needed to be packed, told me to go grab my shoes, and stood outside in the freezing cold, as 1 am, after staying up til midnight doing homework, on a SCHOOL NIGHT on top of it all, waiting with me and telling me stories about when her mom was pregnant with her sister. I love you Cherry, I owe you one!!
So we got here at about 2:30am and it's 5 am now. She's 7 inches dialated so we're just kinda sittin here waitin for something happen. I couldn't wait to text all my friends and tell them, despite the ungodly hour, so I made this blog until then.
Hurry up, Andrew!!! Auntie ChiChi is waiting!!!!
-Chi <3