Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ' <3
Chi 11:29 AM
Apparently I have the power to make whole fanfictions disappear. Before putting up my own story last night, I went in search of some to read so I could get a lil inspiration. (No luck; for once I happen to be the first one to put up something decent.) I came across one who's summary was very deceitful in making me think the story wouldn't be a piece of crap.
It was... it was about my favorite lil bushbaby... Well, let's say it was more like watching the Discovery Channel.
No really! It wasn't like watching playboy or something, it was literally like reading a frikken Zoobook.
And boy did I let him have it in the review box.
Cause that IS what the review box is for, and it ultimately is abused and ignored for its intended purpose.
And that's what I said in a nutshell... I hope you can take this advice in the spirit I'm giving it and not pass it off as a flame right away...
Then I let him have it: the subject matter is WEIRD, it has nothing to do with Kung Fu Panda, you have no reason for the audience to keep reading, your grasp on plot is loose at best. And I added at the end just to be nice that that the writing flows nice, so he has potential, so don't quit writing.
That was at 3 am. It's now 11:30 am and the fic's been deleted since 8.
Not that I'm complaining that the abomination is now gone...
But apparently I don't know my own strength :P
So go read MY fic. It's a cute lil oneshot that won't take much of your time.
I focused really hard on my prose here for some reason... I was really going for something that sounded pretty and I think it turned out pretty good.
-Chi <3
Saturday, June 14, 2008 ' <3
Chi 9:01 PM
Because I like showing off my mad graphic skillz00rs.

-Chi <3
Friday, June 13, 2008 ' <3
Chi 12:07 PM

Okay, let me start by saying I am WAY excited for The Frog Princess!! Not only will Disney be reverting to their tradition of taking classic fairy tails, 2D animation, and songs throughout, but they're doing my favorite fairy tale of ALL TIME!! How cool is that gonna be??
Yea, it's not gonna be as enjoyable as it should be.
Know why?
It's Disney's first black princess. HOLD THE PHONE. I do NOT have a problem with this!! None whatsoever. In fact, I didn't even blink when they mentioned it, because as I've said, there is no black and white, there's dark to light with variations. Skin color is such a trivial thing to me that it would be like Disney stating she will be the first Disney Princess to have green eyes. I really don't care.
Here's what the problem is.
ONE PICTURE has been released of Maddy, and people are already going apeshit. Oh wait.... her name's not MADDY anymore, is it?
Nope, people complained that the name was stereotypically lower class black, and she's a chambermaid to top it all off.
CINDERELLA ANYONE?? She's named after CINDERS for god's sake! She has a stereotypical lower class name, and she's a chambermaid!!
"But Chi!" you may say, "The BIG difference is that Cinderella was WHITE!"
Then YOU, my friend, are the racist one. Because you are giving the color of people's skin WAY too much thought.
"But CHI!" you may persist, "Black people were SLAVES, and THAT'S why the chambermaid thing is bad!"
And that's what REALLY rubs me the wrong way.
Listen, I'm so sick of hearing how the white people enslaved black people. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!
I didn't do ANYTHING to you. Yes, a long long time ago, a group of white people did that. You know what else happened a long long time ago? The Holocaust. And a class I took about two years ago revealed that I have a lot of traits that would send me and most of my friends right into the fires back then. So should I be offended by ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THAT'S GERMAN IN THIS WORLD NOW?
And here comes that rant again: there are certain black people that whine about being treated as equally as white people, YET THEY THROW A STINK OVER A DISNEY PRINCESS BEING BLACK!! If it were a white person with a low-class name being a chambermaid (which HAS HAPPENED BEFORE), no one would blink an eye. THEY WANT TO BE TREATED EQUALLY, YET THEY DEMAND SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR BEING BLACK.
If anything, it scares me how the tables are turned. As Americans, we see black as the ones getting all the racism, but it REALLY is starting to turn around. I mean LOOK AT THIS!! A black person can basically say WHATEVER they want, but white people need to tread sooooo carefully.
Don't believe me? Go google up reports about businesses who choose black people over white people because they're scared of being deemed "racist". Go google up the story about a black student who was denied admission to Harvard, and SUED until they were forced to give him admission because he claimed they were being racist.
I want us all to be treated equally too, and to me, that doesn't mean SPECIAL TREATMENT TO BLACK PEOPLE TO MAKE UP FOR IT. As I've said, I have NOTHING to make up for. I, nor my father, nor my grandfather, nor my GREAT grandfather enslaved ANYONE.
Hey here's an interesting tidbit: I have this scar on my back that's characteristic of slaves that can be passed down several generations. My parents aren't completely sure, but we think that means someone in our lineage at some point was a slave. Do I get special treatment? Nope. Cause I'm white. Do I WANT special treatment anyway? Nope. Because if I have to sue over "racism" to get myself into a school, I'd be a lame person.
That's all I want. Racism isn't gone, it's simply being flipped on it's side. NO SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR EITHER SIDE. EQUALITY FOR ONCE, PLEASE.
For those of you on the edge of your seat wondering what Maddy's name got changed to, it's Tiana.
So here's the bottom line: Disney, GO FOR IT. If people want to boycott your movie, so be it. You don't want racist people seeing your movies anyway.
-Chi <3
Saturday, June 07, 2008 ' <3
Chi 12:33 AM
I have two words:
Yay for Dreamworks
-Chi <3
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 ' <3
Chi 9:58 AM
Now if only people had voted this year actually EDUCATED on the issues, I'd consider it a victory.
Please stop voting because people look or sound cool, capishe?
All my friends yesterday were like "Hilary can't hold down a marriage, what makes you think she can hold down a presidency LOL???"
That's hearsay my friends, meaning, it's not true; you heard mommy and daddy say it and then agreed.
I decided not to vote by what mommy and daddy said this year.
I went to a rally Hilary gave at the U of A.
I went to both candidates websites to read up on their stance on the issues.
I paid very close attention to all debates.
I've watched people SLAM Hilary to death for being a woman, but oh don't you DARE slam Obama cause that makes you a RAC1ST!!1!!shift1!!!!
I have the distinct feeling... that if we voted on the issues only, Hilary would be a winner this year. Why DON'T we vote that way? I say to hell with debates and campaigning and mudslinging. You get a bunch of blanked out names. No race, no gender, no face to put to the issues. You get a list of WHERE THESE PEOPLE STAND ON THE ISSUES, AND THEN VOTE.
What's wrong with that?
I can only find one thing people could possibly complain about: ya wouldn't know if it's a woman or a black man.
I think sexism is way under-prioritized compared to racism. I don't wanna be ignorant and say racism is a thing of the past; but I do have to say that the level to what things we consider "racist" are ridiculous. Activists for racism want us to treat them normally, yet when I dare to say anything about Obama, it's racist.
I have no beef with the color of Obama's skin, let's make that perfectly clear. I've seen enough people in my life to learn that there is no black or white, there's dark colored to light colored with variations in the middle. A judge of character? No way. I would still think Obama was full of crap if he was a white man.
I would still think Hilary was awesome if she were a man as well.
I'm a girl, and I'll be honest, I DO expect different, not-so-equal treatment from men, because it's CLASSIC courtesy that's been around forever. I expect men to hold doors, pull out chairs, and say "ladies first". To be honest, it's a HUGE turn-on for me; I love that in a guy: classic politeness.
HOWEVER, do I expect special treatment for Hilary because she's a girl? No. If you bash on her, does that automatically make you sexist? No.
This is a new age, and I DO want to be treated like any other guy would (save from the things mentioned above). Sorry guys, it's not a men's world anymore. One of my favorite movies is Cars. I like to read comic books. I play video games and know as much about them as any GUY nerd would. I have a stack of pokemon cards in my closet.
How great that we can live in a world where girls can DO this sort of thing now.
But play football and become the president.
If I hear one more person say it's because "girls run on their emotions", I'll explode. Let's reverse that stereotype into ANOTHER stereotype: guys run on the 'let's be tough and rugged!!' show-no-weakness thing that got us into the war we find ourselves faced with.
The one that Obama doesn't want to withdrawl from in a timely manner DESPITE THIS COUNTRY'S GROWING COMPLAINTS ABOUT NOT DOING SO!!!!
So we've elected Bush twice now and now we're screwing ourselves over again with the war. Why?
I am now faced with a problem many democrats will be faced with this election: to vote for Obama, or to vote for McCain?
Personally I don't like either.
And this, my friends, is why democracy is bullcrap.
Funny that it's the government we're trying to put in Iraq. Cause democracy is the ONLY way, right? Democracy's flawless, yes?
It's like the government and their "OMG COMMUNISTS!" bullcrap all over again. Seriously, I took a class on this last year, you'd be surprised to see ho many similarities there are between this war and the Cold War and WWII.
My hopes for this year no matter WHO gets the nomination:
1 - Get the hell out of Iraq. No, forget any comeback to that. Shut up and get them out. Let them build their own government, because I think we've just proven that democracy aint all that great. If a dictatorship arises, so be it. Apparently it works for them. We're not the world superheroes, GET EM OUT!!
2 - Quit whining and throwing your hands in the air wondering why people aren't finishing school and getting good jobs. I'll answer that for you: TUITION IS CRAP. It's TOO expensive and TOO hard to get financial aid. Take that money out of the war and put it towards COLLEGES so we can GO TO SCHOOL!! (Hilary was gonna do that, so who knows if they will.)
3 - Get OUT of people's personal lives. GET THE HELL OUT OF EM. Stop talking about gay marriage and abortion and what your kids are allowed to eat at school. Seriously, knock that crap off. There's for more important things going on in the world, not to mention that stuff is not my business, not my fellow americans' business, and CERTAINLY, NOT
4 - Kill No Child Left Behind, kill it with FIRE. My first graders are all mindless repeat-back-to-you machines thanks to it. GET RID OF IT.
5 - Most important than anything else: CLEAN UP THE MESS. Get us away from all these outside messes and start focusing on problems RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA. Forget Iraq, forget Iran, forget Korea. Cut the crap and start worrying about OUR country. Cause that's what we elected you yo do and that's what those country's leaders do.
I didn't mean for this to become a novel, but, meh.
Bottom line: if you're reading this, stop, and go read the candidates website on the issues so you can know what the hell you're voting for this year.
-Chi <3
Sunday, June 01, 2008 ' <3
Chi 1:36 PM
Anyone who knows me well knows my grudge against rednecks, having lived in sea of right-winged trailer-trash-Joe rednecks for upwards of 15 years now.
Am I goin a little SOUTHERN?
I'd say you wouldn't have to look very hard to find out I'm a western girl. I love and know everything about the rodeo parade, I have a soft spot for animals, I'm a shorts-wearing, Roxy-toting, Route 66 girl.
Now somehow I have found myself going southern. (NO, not because I love the movie Cars. It's reverse: I'm into Cars BECAUSE I'm into southern stuff lately.)
Dad and I watched Indycar Racing the other day. I watched for a minute or so expecting to lose interest quickly and just got HOOKED. Nascar was even MORE awesome. My grampa's a nascar-addict, so maybe I get it from him, but I thought it was just awesome.
I've ALWAYS been into New Orleans style stuff; anyone who knows vaguely who I am knows that.
Now I HATE most country music, (mostly because I'm sick of hearing singers whine about losing their jobs, cars, girlfriends, whatever.) but I'm way into Dixie Chicks, Sheryl Crow, Rascal Flats, and Tim McGraw lately. Seriously, WTF?
I'm a California girl forever, but what the hell's up with these weird Southern Bell thing that's popped up all of the sudden?
I dunno.
All I know is that Popop would be awfully proud of himself if he knew.
-Chi <3