Thursday, July 31, 2008 ' <3
Chi 4:39 PM
B: Veggietaaaaales.... Veggietaaaales....
Chi: I love that show, B!
B: Me too! Who's your favorite??
Chi: Archie!
B: You're silly Chi! Bob's the best one!
Brit: *laughs* You guys can't talk about Veggietales in school!
B: How come?
Brit: Because it's religious.
B: Oh.
B: Fruittaaaaales....
-Chi <3
Monday, July 28, 2008 ' <3
Chi 3:53 PM
While my new skin IS made of several copious amounts of win, that's not why I directed you here. I did it to tell you to go see YOUR blog. Do it!
P.S. Did you know you have the same B-day as Beatrix Potter??
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 1:01 PM
There's a big difference between not liking High School Musical, and being a hater. (Going on to youtube videos and spamming DIS SUX over and over for example.) Bear that in mind as you read this.
This rant comes about because the HSM 3 trailer is out, and the spam is going wild.
So I just have one thing to say to the haters:
Hate on HSM as much as you want and spam DIS SUX over and over.
But HSM is STILL more popular than you are or ever will be.
Don't lose anymore hair over it.
-Chi <3
Sunday, July 20, 2008 ' <3
Chi 4:12 PM
Me and Cherry went to see Dark Knight today.
It -- was -- AWESOME.
I'll admit I came into it with not very high hopes. I was a wee bit peeved that people were talking about giving Heath Ledger an Oscar before ANYONE HAD EVEN SEEN THE MOVIE.
Well the movie's out now.
See, NOW you can have an Oscar buzz. Because he undoubtedly deserves one. Not because he died, but because he gave a riveting performance. Heath had a huge hand in developing his character, and the Joker is like no other villain in any other movie out there. He creeped you the heck out, he wasn't screwing around, he makes YOU the villain by making you choose between taking your life or someone else's. One such example would be when he traps two groups of people on two different boats and gives them each a detonator for the bomb on the other boat. He then tells each of them that if one of them sets the bomb off and kills everyone on the other boat, he'll let them live. But if no one sets off either bomb, he'll set them BOTH off. Holy crap, this guy doesn't mess around, he makes YOU the villain. It was crazy.
So it was actually a good movie. DAMN good. I loved it. Where does the rant come in?
The hell, parents of America? Let me make this clear for you in case you didn't get it: the Batman CARTOON is for kids. This movie, who's main poster looks like THIS:

IS NOT. DUH. Please, mankind, use your better judgement. Does that look a movie you should probably hire a sitter for? It sure does to me.
I'm just sitting here in my seat cringing, waiting as the Joker's about to completely slice someone's face off, I'm squeezing Charity's hand to death, and not one parent is leaning over to cover their child's eyes.
I will say the violence wasn't done up too bad really, and that's because this movie was about the plot and not about the violence. I like a superhero movie that can recognize that. Having said that, the plot is going to call for someone to get killed or hurt once in a while. So the violence was "tastefully" done for lack of a better word. It still wasn't appropriate for CHILDREN.
I'm also a bit saddened to see that as a guy holds a knife up to someone, about to cut their face off, and says in the most sinister voice ever "WHY SO SERIOUS.... LET'S PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE.", not one kid gets scared or cringes or freaks out. Well done America, violence doesn't even move our kids anymore.
That rant is solely on the kids, as I said, the movie itself was great, and a little violence here and there is necessary for the plot. I personally liked being scared throughout the course of the movie.
That's the reaction it was SUPPOSED to give everyone else.
Instead, the 6 year old behind me clapped and laughed loudly every time someone got punched or shot.
Parents, grow up.
-Chi <3
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ' <3
Chi 3:35 PM
B: There's only one thing to do!
Chi: What's the one thing, B?
B: I dunno. Ask me later.
B was not a big fan of doing her work today. Promises of candy work well for getting kids back to their seats, despite us not being allowed to give any, as reetees will toddle over for the promise of said candy, and promptly forget why they came over in the first place.
T's favorite thing to do is play in the rice box. Her second favorite thing to do is throw it at any reetee who screams, which is 80% of the sped department. Picking up the individual grains gets old.
B decided to be a fireman today, and came over to spray me with a pretend hose. This made J scream at the top of his lungs and dash over to furiously "clean" me with his vacuum yelling I'm "unclean" and occasionally "unholy". This caused L to shriek, dash into my bag, and run off with my cars Address Book. Which caused T to roll around on the floor in a blanket and shriek like a monkey.
Nothing is easy in special ed land.
-Chi <3
Saturday, July 12, 2008 ' <3
Chi 2:39 PM
10 - The first time we ever stayed home alone over night together, Sissy bought me a Sailor Moon video and sweets galore. We sat in mommy's bed and watched it together.
9 - Playing the Harry Potter card game in the living room.
8 - The first week at her new dorm at the U of A, she let me come and sleepover. We watched Harry Potter, played on the computer, and dodged cockroaches, but it didn't matter; she was the coolest person ever simply because she had her own place.
7 - We couldn't get to sleep one christmas night, so we wrote "I Saw Daddy Slapping Santa Clause" and kept yelling "God bless us, EVERY OOPS!"
6 - We watched London Broil together at the Renaissance festival, and then got their autographs on our new shirts afterwards.
5 - We went to dinner at Little Anthony's and then she gave me a surprise viewing of Scrooge at the gaslight, and bought me a Grandma Tony's pizza despite the fact we just ate.
4 - I came to visit her for a few days for my birthday, expecting a cookie cake and a rental movie, but we ended up going to Disneyland for three days.
3 - On weekends we would "camp out" in the living room together and watch Snick, specifically Kenan and Kel. Every time I watch it today it reminds me of Sissy.
2 - When she found out I wanted to major in political science, she started crying. Now I'm an education major... Sorry to dissapoint, sissy! ;)
1 - Before I left for Sea World camp, Sissy checked out the rules, their program, what we would be doing, made phone calls, sent emails, and all that stuff to make sure I would be happy there. And once I was there, she sent me emails like nuts. It was nice to come back to the dorms from the fish house and see them on my bed.
Love j00!!
-Chi <3
Friday, July 11, 2008 ' <3
Chi 1:52 AM
Do me a favor, wouldja? Doesn't matter who you are, if you're reading this, do it.
This is a Wall-E bot. I made him last night using a ridiculous amount of research, javascript, and all that jazz. He's also a brand new bot, and thus, incredibly stupid. That's where you come in. Click on the link and talk to him for a little bit, wouldja? I see all conversations people have with him and can edit his responses if he says something stupid to you. He can't get any smarter if people don't talk to him though, so help me out! Ask him any questions at all, discuss Raptor Jesus, Mudkipz, the meaning of life, anything.
Mucho thanks.
-Chi <3
Thursday, July 10, 2008 ' <3
Chi 8:01 PM

Oh Pixar, you never fail to crack me up.
Buy N Large is the fictional company from Pixar's Wall-E. BnL makes everything 700 years into to the future, and I do mean everything. Wall-E himself is a BnL product. (Seriously.)
So Pixar launched a website to promote the movie.
BnL IS fictional, but would you EVER guess that from looking at their website??
Buynlarge.comPixar, I love you dearly. But your message of anti-consumerism after making this ridiculously intricate website just to promote your movie is just silly.
It's hilarious as hell though. And quite an interesting read.
No articles on Wall-E though, sorry. BnL doesn't start work on him until they fuck up the planet 100 years later.
-Chi <3
Wednesday, July 02, 2008 ' <3
Chi 3:54 PM
Okay Sari, you got your wish, I'm finally going to write an official review of Wall-E for you, only because there's a site having a contest for it right now. Anyone else who is interested or just likes to laugh at the dumb things I say, check it out.
Well, Wall-E is one of those movies where it's almost a waste of a time to write a review because you know it's AWESOME. It's Pixar, after all. And Pixar rules all. Before I go on with what I'm about to say here, let's get one thing straight: I loved the HELL out of Wall-E. It was a fantastic journey into a genre I otherwise wouldn't be interested in and it was memorable and more real than most live-action movies today.
That being said, the first word that pops into my head when I think of this movie is "creepy".
Pixar has single-handedly taken one of the greatest musicals of all time, and gave their songs a haunting tone simply by putting them in Wall-E. In the opening sequence of the movie, you can faintly hear "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" tuning in and out as Wall-E drives on- and off-screen. If you come in to the movie knowing the basic plot, that all humans have left the now uninhabitable earth, you're going to be creeped out by this. The score as the camera rolls back and shows you all the damage that's been done, it's ridiculous. You might be even more creeped out as the movie progresses and you discover the kind of life humans are leading 700 years into the future. Where walking, talking, and playing are things of the past and humans hardly resemble humans anymore, emotionally, not just physically.
The part that creeps me out the most is how well they put you in Wall-E's place. Wall-E continues doing what he's made for, cleaning up and well aware he's the last "living" thing on the planet. (Or, more appropriately, the last thing to posses a soul.) Wall-E clings to the only link to the past he has: a videotape of the famous musical "Hello Dolly", and when he sits in his trailer and watches the people on the screen dance, you sort of get the chills, now realizing that Pixar isn't messing around: in this world, humans will never inhabit earth like this again.
That also being said, it's the creepiness that makes it work. Despite the lack of dialogue, the scary concept of the plot is what keeps you paying attention. The idea of humans no longer living, but simply surviving, is enough to throw dialogue out the window and still hold your attention.
On top of it all, this movie beats out Happy Feet any day, because the plot is focused, it stays in one place, and it doesn't jam the message down your throat. Quite the contrary, the romantic subplot downplays the hardcore message quite a bit; saving the world becomes secondary to the power of holding hands.
Wall-E is a character that is more real than most live-action, human characters who actually posses a mouth. It's something difficult to describe, you'd simply have to see the movie to understand what I mean by that. Even beforehand, however, it's not hard to find something to love in Wall-E. (Come on, a sweet lovable robot who happens to love Hello Dolly? It's the greatest concept since Sailor Stars' Mia's obsession with Johnny Cash.)
Can't say much more without giving it away, but take it at this: Wall-E is a masterpiece, no matter what age. See it, and understand why some things can't be explained in a movie review.
-Chi <3
' <3
Chi 1:48 PM
10 - Mom woke up one day over the last summer and went "Let's go to Disneyland". We hadn't talked or planned or anything and we just left that morning. It was AWESOME!!
9 - Dad took me to my first ever Sidewinders game (then known as the Torros) and got me a big ol' helmet full of ice cream!
8 - I finally used the key words "Route 66" to get mom to see Cars with me and she loved it! I even THEN convinced her to see Ratatouille with me. And we loved them both. (Maybe I can convince her to let me take her to her first drivein and see Wall-E ;) )
7 - Daddy came in a few years ago and said Temple of Doom was on USA. We sat and watched it together (my first Indy movie viewing!) while dad made fun of Shorty's accent the whole time. Still laughing thinking about it!
6 - Mom sat and showed me how to latchhook with a pattern. And promptly dropped her jaw and asked what the heck was wrong with me when I made a butterfly with NO pattern.
5 - Daddy took me to see EVERY Pokemon movie until they stopped, and instead we started going to EVERY Pixar movie together opening weekend. (Sorry, can't see it with you yet, I'm going with my daddy!)
4 - "Hey Mom? Whado you think is in that lighthouse?" "....Lucky Chaaaarms."
3 - Daddy took me to a Hilary Clinton ralley. Knowing how important this was to me, he braved a three hour line, in the heat, with the rednecks behind us flapping their gums only to hear a candidate talk about stuff only I gave a crap about. You rock, daddy!
2 - I stepped out of the square in the Tower of Terror waiting room. Some idiot turns around and goes "you need to be in the square!" Mom promptly puts him in his place by saying "Don't you talk to mah babeh!!" in her eastcoast philly voice.
1 - Daddy took me to the planetarium pretty much anytime mom was away. We'd talk astronomy, conspiracies, and philosophy. Like every father and daughter, right?
Love you guys!! :)
-Chi <3